cod. 00624

Academic year 2007/08
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Biologia farmaceutica (BIO/15)
Discipline biologiche e morfologiche
Type of training activity
32 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: ANIMAL BIOLOGY - PLANT BIOLOGY

Learning objectives

The Plant Biology course is a module unit of the integrated course in Animal Biology/Plant Biology. The aim of this unit is to provide concepts regarding plant cytology, histology and anatomy. These elements are necessary to take on the study of plant physiology, pharmaceutical botany, applied pharmaceutical botany and pharmacognosy.


Concepts of Physics and General and Inorganic Chemistry

Course unit content

<br />STUDY OF PLANTS <br />
- The philosophy of life of plants is very different from that of animals. <br />
Autotrophic and heterotrophic individuals. <br />
Extended air and ground surfaces. <br />
Strict coordination in animals, wide autonomy in plants. Animals oppose external influences, plants passively adapt. <br />
- Plants are indispensable for all living things. <br />
Plants as food, regulators of the atmospheric composition, as erosion control, to supply energy, renewable sources. <br />
Producer plants and sources of secondary metabolite. <br />
Plants for phytotherapeutic use. <br />
- Primary divisions in the plant kingdom. <br />
- Evolutive relationships between the primary groups of living organisms <br />
- The plant cell: same basic structure as the animal cell, but with some additional parts. <br />
- Plastids, one big family: <br />
Chloroplast: ultrastructure, chemical composition. <br />
&! nbsp; Photosynthesis and factors that influence it. <br />
Chromoplasts. <br />
Leucoplasts. <br />
- The cell wall. <br />
The wall as an external environment of the cell and signal transmitter <br />
- The vacuole and its functions <br />
- Growth and development of the plant cell. <br />
- Tissues <br />
- Stem anatomy <br />
- Root anatomy <br />
- Leaf anatomy <br />
- Mineral elements and their function in the plant <br />
- Vegetable hormones  

Full programme

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P.H. RAVEN, RF. EVERT, S.E. EICHHORN: ?Biologia delle piante?, Zanichelli, Bologna. <br />
A. BRUNI, M. NICOLETTI: ?Biologia Vege tale?, per la facolta di Farmacia ?Ya Padre?, L?Aquila, 1993. <br />
A. SPERANZA, G. L. CALZONI: ?Struttura delle piante in immagini? Zanichelli, Bologna. <br />
WILLIAM K. PURVES, DAVID SADAVA, GORDON H. ORIANS, H.CRAIG HELLER: ?La Biologia delle piante?, Zanichelli, Bologna. <br />
L. TAIZ, E. ZEIGER: Plant Physiology Edizione Piccin, Padova. <br />
MAARTEN J. CHRISPEELS, DAVID E. SADAVA: ? Applied Plant Biology Edizioni Piccin, Padova. <br />
SENATORE F.: ? Biologia e Botanica Farmaceutica ? Edizioni Piccin, Padova. <br />
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Teaching methods

The exam consists of an oral interview.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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