cod. 08639

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Didattica e pedagogia speciale (M-PED/03)
Discipline demoetnoantropologiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche e economiche
Type of training activity
80 hours
of face-to-face activities
10 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<p>to acquire knowledge regarding a number of issues with which educational research is concerned; <br />
to acquire knowledge of the main educational models developed over the course of the twentieth century; <br />
to become familiar with some of the meanings assigned to the concept of competence; <br />
to become familiar with some of the meanings assigned to the concept of competence within the education system; <br />
to be able to identify the main characteristics which a skills certification system should possess. <br />
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Course unit content

The course is in two parts. The first is of a general nature. After a brief historical introduction, it examines the main issues with which educational research is concerned, exploring in particular teaching models developed and implemented during last century. <br />
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The second module explores, from a historical perspective, a number of meanings of the concept of competence, studying the use of the term in everyday language and in the technical language of psychology, linguistics, sociology, pedagogy and above all education. It also analyses the meanings which the term takes on within the education system, vocational training and the employment market. The module goes on to reflect upon the structure which a system of skills certification ought to have and critically examines various concrete applications adopted by institutions and organisations operating in the field. <br />

Full programme

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Compulsory texts: <br />
LASTRUCCI E., Progettare, programmare e valutare l'attività formativa, Roma, Anicia, 2nd edition, 2006. <br />
PERRENOUD P., Costruire competenze a partire dalla scuola, tr. It. Roma, Anicia, 2003. <br />
PELLEREY M., Le competenze individuali e il portfolio, Milano, La Nuova Italia, 2004. <br />
A text chosen from the following: <br />
PLATONE, La Repubblica, Book VII, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 3rd edition, 2006. <br />
DEWEY J., Il mio credo pedagogico. Antologia di scritti sull'educazione, Scandicci (FI), La Nuova Italia, 1954. <br />
HORKHEIMER M. , Eclissi della ragione. Critica della ragione strumentale, Italian translation. Torino, Einaudi, 2000. <br />
Non-attending students are advised to add the following text to their study programme: <br />
VARISCO B. M., Portfolio. Valutare gli apprendimenti e le competenze, Roma, Carocci, 2004. <br />

Teaching methods

Teaching methods: <br />
lectures <br />
preparation of a brief talk on a specific subject <br />
Assessment methods: <br />
assessment of learning through a test <br />
possible oral exam <br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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