cod. 13086

Academic year 2007/08
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia della filosofia medievale (M-FIL/08)
Storia della filosofia
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />The course aims to complete the students’ acquaintance with the Medieval Philosophy by an in-depth exploration of a medieval text, together with the examination of the specialised literature and the reconstruction of the main historiographical debates. In particular, the course aims to enable students first, to read and to contextualize, both historically and doctrinally, the medieval philosophical texts; second, to follow from Antiquity to Modern Ages the evolution of the most significant philosophical doctrines; and third, to look into the main historiographical discussions as well as the secondary literature.


<br />The knowledge of an handbook of history of Medieval Philosophy is required. Moreover, it is presupposed the knowledge of Latin.

Course unit content

<br />Subject: St. Bonaventure’s Itinerarium mentis in Deum. <br />Summary: The course aims to provide a commentary on one of the most important St. Bonaventure’s works, namely the Itinerarium mentis in Deum, a work that is at heart of both medieval and modern spirituality.

Full programme

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<br />Bonaventura, Itinerario dell’anima a Dio, ed. by L. Mauro, Rusconi, Milano 1996; E. Gilson, La Philosophie de saint Bonaventure, Paris 1943 (Italian translation: La filosofia di San Bonaventura, Jaca Book, Milano 1995).

Teaching methods

<br />The course is characterised by oral lessons and tutorials, and it requires that the students take part actively in both the reading of texts and the discussion of the secondary literature. For the valuation of students, besides the oral exam, the attendance to lessons and the active participation to tutorials are particularly considered. Moreover, the course requires the elaboration of a paper concerning the texts examined during the lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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