cod. 1000391

Academic year 2009/10
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Nutrizione e alimentazione animale (AGR/18)
Zootecnia e produzioni animali
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

To acquaint students with the disciplines and EU regulations which regulate national production of animal origin.


Students must have already passed the Botany, Biochemistry and Physiology exams.

Course unit content

Students must acquire knowledge of chemical and biological evaluation of foodstuffs for animals. They must also know the organisational and management aspects of fodder production systems and be able to correctly formulate a diet. Students must be able to identify factors which affect the digestibility and use of foods and be familiar with the various additives and feed integrators according to necessity and use criteria. They must also acquire concepts relating to food rationing and the nutritional requirements of different domestic animals during different stages of production and reproduction. Particular emphasis will be placed on the study of production and the EU regulations which govern most important types of production in Italy. Students must have in-depth knowledge of the legislation which regulates the preparation and sale of all nutritional substances for domestic animals. <br />
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Full programme

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ASSALZOO: La disciplina della preparazione e del commercio del mangime, III Ed., S.E.P.Z., Roma, 1978. <br />
- BLAXTER K. L.: The energy metabolism of ruminants, Hutchinson, London, 1962. <br />
- I.N.R.A.: Alimentation des ruminants, Edizioni I.N.R.A., Versailles, 1978. <br />
- NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (NRC): Nutrient requirement of domestic animals: n. 1 Poultry (1994), n. 2 Pigs (1998), n. 3 Dairy CattIe (2001), n. 4 Beef Cattle (2000), n. 3 Sheep (1968), n. 6 Horses (1966), n. 9 Rabbits (1966), Nat. Acad. Sci., Washington. D.C. <br />
- SUCCI G.: 'ZOOTECNICA SPECIALE' Ed. Cittàstudi Edizioni 1995. <br />
- AGHINA C. e MALETTO S.'T ecnica Mangimistica' Soc. Ed. Esculapio <br />
- CASE L.P., CAREY D.P., HIRAKAWA D.A.: 'L'alimentazione del cane e del gatto'. Mosby-Year Book, Inc. (1997) Edizione riservata IAMS. <br />
- WOLTER R.: 'L'alimentazione del cane e del gatto'. Editrice Essegivi - Piacenza (1983) <br />
- FERRANDO R.: 'Alimentation du chien'. Edition Vigot Frères. Paris (1973). <br />

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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