cod. 1006243

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Filologia e linguistica romanza (L-FIL-LET/09)
Filologia, linguistica e letteratura
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims, in A) part, to give a basic knowledge, from a linguistic and historical point of view, of Romance philology: this background is necessary for Italian Literature students and for French and Spanish language and literature students.
1) Knowledge and understanding: by the end of mod A the students will know fundamental knowledge of romance linguistic and romance literatures and will be able to read and translate simple texts; by the end of mod. B, the student will develop a more specific understanding of a romance language and will be able to read and translate autonomously texts of average difficulty
2) Applying Knowledge and understanding and judgments making: by the end of mod. A students will be able to comment upon texts read in the course and to make simple links between romance languages and literatures; by the end of mod. B, they have more specific competences in a romance language and can conceive and strenghten complex hypothesis and comment upon new texts.
3) communication skills: by the end of mod. A students will be able to express and share informations, problems and solutions in a clear manner; by the end of mod. B they will be able to communicate ideas and formulate hypothesis in a specialistic and up-to-date vocabulary
4) Learning skills: by the end of mod A students will be able to get information in basic scientific literature; by the end of mod. B they will be able to consult dictionaries and bibliographies so as to face second-level courses.


Basic skill in literature and linguistics.

Course unit content

Modulo A (first 6 CFU)
Selected texts, read and commented by the teacher, from various
literary genres, with special attention paid to galloromance and iberic literature.

Modulo B
Reading , translation and comments of Chevalier de la Charette (Lancelot), one of the most celebrated among Chrétien de Troyes' works.

Full programme

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Testi di riferimento

1. Modulo A (6 cfu) per studenti del curriculum storico o classico:
1.1 Pietro G. Beltrami, La Filologia romanza, il Mulino, 2017.
1.2. Lezioni blended fatte durante il modulo A e Appunti del corso.

2. Programma per frequentanti dei moduli A+ B (12 cfu):
2.1. Laura Minervini, FIlologia romanza 2. Linguistica, Le Monnier, 2021.
2.2. . E. Burgio, FIlologia romanza. 3. Analisi Letteraria, Le Monnier, 2021
2.3. Lezioni blended e Appunti del corso.
2.4. Si richiede la lettura integrale della Vita Nuova di Dante, in qualsiasi edizione.

I NON frequentanti dei moduli A+B sono invitati a mettersi in contatto con il docente per concordare il programma.

Teaching methods

Taught lessons: reading, translation and commentary of texts.

The course (mod. A) is available on blended mode on Elly portal. The Blended lessons and exercises are complementary to the Course Notes.

All the slides of mod. B will also be available on Elly

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of an oral examination; questions are of 3 kinds:
- test of reading, translation and linguistic analysis of a text chosen from the course;
- test on linguistical competence;
- test on the literary and historical context.
The 3 sets of questions will equally concur to the final note (in 30 scale); it is necessary to have a satisfactory note (18/30) in each set.
The student is immediately told of his note.
A pass (18-23/30) is
determined by the student’s possession of the basicl
contents of the course; middle-range scores (24-27/30) corresponds to good level of knowledge and to the ability in making simple links and apply it to problem solving;
higher scores (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) correspond to developed abilities and competence in making links among different languages and literatures.

NB: all students, above all non attending ones, are recommended to attend to some exams to check and improve their study.

Other information

From a.a. 2018-2019 the course is also in blended mode.
It is highly recommended to attend the course, since Romance Philology is a new, and not easy matter and given texts are in 3 different languages (French, Provençal, Spanish), each one different from the contemporary language.