cod. 1004089

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
- Giulia RABONI
Academic discipline
Filologia della letteratura italiana (L-FIL-LET/13)
Discipline linguistiche, filologiche e metodologiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: 208662

Learning objectives

The specialised teaching of Italian Philology will provide students with an understanding of the critical methods of philology and variant criticism.
Applied knowledge and understanding
Students will be able to apply the knowledge and understanding skills necessary to use critical editions in the context of authorial philology. During the lessons students will learn to confront themselves with concrete cases in order to put into practice the notions received.
Autonomy of judgement
students will develop skills in the interpretation of data useful to determine autonomous judgments within the critical debate on the discipline, and to evaluate the different reconstructive and representative proposals of the critical editions dealt with.
Communication skills:
Thanks to the analysis and comparison of different critical-interpretive proposals, students will be able to organise information, ideas, problems and solutions necessary to face and communicate philological-critical problems in the field of author philology and variant criticism.
Ability to learn
Thanks to the general structure of the course, which provides the basics of the discipline, students will develop the learning skills necessary to independently complete further philological studies.


Good knowledge of the methods of philology and of the History of the Italian language and of the Italian literature is required

Course unit content

After an introduction to the methods and aims of author philology, the course will be devoted to the philological study of Ariosto's Satires.

Full programme

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Paola Italia, Giulia Raboni, Che cos'è la filologia d'autore, Roma, Carocci, 2010.
Ludovico Ariosto, Le Satire, a cura di Emilio Russo, Roma, Edizione di Storia e Letteratura, 2019 (edizione di riferimento, bisogna disporne all’inizio del corso,
Ludovico Ariosto, Satire. Edizione critica e commentata a cura di cesare Segre, Torino, Einaudi, 2017
Aspetti filologico-testuali (e paleografici)
Santorre Debenedetti, Intorno alle «Satire» dell’Ariosto, in «Giornale storico della letteratura italiana», CXXII, 1944, pp. 109-130, poi in Id., Studi filologici, con una nota di Cesare Segre, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1986, pp. 223-240.
Cesare Segre, Storia testuale e linguistica delle ‘Satire’, in Ludovico Ariosto: lingua, stile e tradizione, Atti del Congresso organizzato dai comuni di Reggio Emilia e Ferrara, 12-16 ottobre 1974, a cura di C.S., Milano, Feltrinelli, pp. 315-30.
Id., La prima redazione inedita di due satire dell’Ariosto, in Tra latino e volgare. Per Carlo Dionisotti, a cura di Gabriella Bernardoni Trezzini, Ottavio Besomi, Luigi Bianchi, Nicola Casella, Valentina Ferrini Cavalleri, Giulia Gianella, Lorenza Simona, Padova, Antenore, 1974, vol. II, pp. 675-708.
Id., Difendo l’Ariosto. Sulle correzioni autografe delle ‘Satire’, «Rivista di letteratura italiana», II (1984), pp. 145-62, poi in Id., Dai metodi ai testi. Varianti, personaggi, narrazioni, Torino, Aragno, 2008, pp. 165-86.
Id., Un nuovo manoscritto delle Satire di Ludovico Ariosto, in Forme e vicende. Per Giovanni Pozzi, a cura di Ottavio Besomi, Giulia Gianella, Alessandro Martini, Guido Pedrojetta, Padova, Antenore, 1988, pp. 159-170.
Simone Albonico, Osservazioni paleografiche e considerazioni testuali sul manoscritto ferrarese delle ‘Satire’ (ms. F), in Studi sulle ‘Satire’ di Ariosto, [Atti del Convegno internazionale di Amiens, luglio 2017], a cura di Michel Paoli ed Emilio Russo, con la collaborazione di Paulina Spiechowicz, num. mon. de «L’Ellisse», XII, 2017 [ma 2019], 2, pp. 17-36.

Teaching methods

The activities will take place in presence and the lessons will be registered. During the live lessons moments of lectures will alternate with moments of analysis in which the participation of the students will be requested.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of an oral proof in which the student will demonstrate his knowledge of the main problems of the making of a critical edition and his competence on philological terminology. The questions will deal as much with the more technical and methodogical aspects as with the competence to place the texts in their historical and literary context. A fail in the exam is determined by the lack of an understanding of the minimum content of the course, the inability to express oneself adequately, by a lack of autonomous preparation, the inability to solve problems related to information retrieval and the decoding of complex texts, as well as an inability to make independent judgments. Will be considered: sufficient (18-21) the student able to manage properly the basical concepts and terms of the discipline, quite good or good (22-26) the student who demonstrates an autonomous ability of reflection, very good (27-30 with laude) the student who will have improved his knowledge for instance through the study and analysis of critical editions.

Other information

Exam dates: as published calendar