cod. 1009871

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia delle dottrine politiche (SPS/02)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Acquire a knowledge of the origins and the historical development of some of the main terms of Western political thought both in ancient and modern times.
- This course will help students to understand the main themes and authors of the contemporary politics.
- Students are expected to be able to analyze and interpret past and present national and international political scenarios.
- They are also supposed to elaborate an independent critical analysis of political ideas.
- By analyzing political thinkers’ thought, students will be able to clearly develop critical ideas on the main questions related to modern and contemporary politics.



Course unit content

The course will provide elements of awareness on some of the main concepts in contemporary politics, and about their implication with Communication. This knowledge will be helpful to understand the political experiences of past epochs and of the contemporary world too. The course will focus on items such as Politics, Power, Democracy, Pluralism, People, Liberty, Equality, Rights, Tolerance. Check below in the section 'Programma esteso'.

Full programme

History and meaning of the terms: Politics, Power, Democracy, Representation, Constitution, Citizenship, People, Nation, Pluralism, Party, Liberty, Equality, Rights, Tolerance.


1) L. Alici, R. Gatti e I. Vellani (a cura di), Vademecum della democrazia, Ave, Roma 2020 (chapters: ambiente, amicizia politica, antipolitica, bene comune, cittadinanza, comunicazione politica, comunità internazionale, costituzione/costituzionalismo, democrazia, diritti e doveri, etica e politica, europa/europeismo, giustizia, globalizzazione, leader/leadership, legge elettorale/elezioni, libertà, opinione pubblica, partiti e movimenti politici, pluralismo, politica, popolo, populismo, rappresentanza, referendum, social, tolleranza, web)

2) Due delle seguenti voci reperibili sul web, a scelta dello studente:
- N. Matteucci, Costituzionalismo, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze sociali, Treccani
- G. Sartori, Democrazia, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze sociali, Treccani
- N. Bobbio, Eguaglianza, in Enciclopedia del Novecento, Treccani
- N. Bobbio, Libertà, in Enciclopedia del Novecento, Treccani
- M. Cotta, Rappresentanza, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze sociali, Treccani
- N. Matteucci, Stato, in Enciclopedia del Novecento, Treccani

No difference between attending and not attending students.

Teaching methods


Assessment methods and criteria

Oral Examination.

During the exam students should take into consideration:
a) Mastery of basic elements, factual as well conceptual, concerning the course.
b) Use of a correct and accurate language.
c) A critical (not simply mnemonic) attitude will be greatly appreciated.

Other information

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