cod. 1005755

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The relief of the architecture is the most suitable scientific means to know and understand the architecture built in its ideational components, formal and technological and constructive. At the end of the path of the course students will understand that the survey is a method to acquire so deep the work of those who preceded us in "doing" architecture, it becomes an indispensable element for the development of projects of restoration and conservation existing architectural heritage, and the starting point for all architectural projects in general, which, however, engage in an already man-made, and which must be taken into account.

The student, at the end of the course, should have a basic knowledge of surveying discipline, of topography and cartography; should have developed a basic understanding of photogrammetry and digital imaging from a theoretical point of view; should have developed a basic understanding of laser scanning applications.


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Course unit content

The course is divided into two DIFFERENT MATERIALS but completely integrated with each other: the architectural surveying and photogrammetry.
See individual courses for more details on the topics covered.

Full programme

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M. Docci, G. Maestri, Il rilevamento architettonico – Storia metodi e disegno, Bari 1984.
- M. Docci (a cura di), Il disegno di progetto dalle origini al XVI sec., Gangemi Editore, Roma 1993
- C. Cundari (a cura di ), L'immagine del rilievo, Roma, Longanesi Ed., 1992
- P. Giandebiaggi, I disegni dell'architettura universitaria: Parma (1600- 1940), Parma 1990
- S. Coppo, Torino nell'Ottocento e nel Novecento, Ampliamenti e trasformazioni entro la cerchia dei corsi napoleonici, Torino 1995
- A. Baculo Giusti, Napoli in Assonometria, Napoli 1992
- AA.VV., Il rilievo del Moderno: caratteri di riconoscibilità della forma urbana, Flaccovio Editore, Palermo 1996
- D. Maestri, Il disegno dal vero, in Disegnare n.8
- M. Chiavoni, Il disegno dell'analisi degli organismi architettonici: l'Oratorio dei Filippini in Roma, in Disegnare n. 12
- E. Mandelli, I Palazzi del Rinascimento, Alinea, Firenze, 1989
- C. Mezzetti (a cura di), La rappresentazione dell'architettura: storia, metodi, immagini, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2000
- G. Cento, Rilievo edilizio architettonico, Vitali e Ghianda, Genova, 1959.
- J. P. Saint Aubin, Il rilievo e la rappresentazione dell'architettura, Bergamo 1999.
- P. Giandebiaggi, Strutturazioni geometrico-formali in un progetto neoclassico: Palazzo Corradi-Cervi a Parma, in Disegnare n.8
- G. Pagnano, Modulo e proporzione nei disegni di progetto di Rosario Gagliardi, in Disegnare n.6
- E. Mandelli, Le tarsie marmoree di San Miniato al Monte di Firenze, in Disegnare n.6
- P. Quattrini, Sul linguaggio nascosto dell'architettura: la ricerca della Giusta Misura e la conquista della proporzione Naturale, in Disegnare n. 9/10

- Selvini, Elementi di fotogrammetria (DISPONIBILE IN BIBLIOTECA – 1 COPIA SOLO CONSULTAZIONE INTERNA) Città Studi ISBN: 9788825171013

Teaching methods

The theoretical part of the course will be executed through lectures availing the use of suitable programs for the illustration of images suitable for the cognitive explanation of the various methods of detection architecture. The verification of the knowledge obtained by the student will be tested through a written test. For the practical part, students, divided into groups of three members each, will perform the exercise in the field.

The subject is developed on in-class lectures presented mainly using powerpoint slides, in-class practical activities and group (three members each) in-class and home activities. In the last part of the course seminar activities are offered to the class deepening some of the topics covered in the lectures. Every group is expected to produce a final surveying project assisted by the teaching staff (mid-term revisions).

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam is based on passing a written test concerning the theory of the survey and the execution of graphic tables relating to the detection of the architectural choice. All this will be accompanied by an historical iconographic and photographic documentation that will complement the knowledge of everything.

The course is graded based an oral discussion concerning the main theoretical aspects illustrated in class and on their application to the execution of the surveying project and the companion graphic elaborations of the chosen architectural object.

Other information

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