cod. 19328

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Pedagogia generale e sociale (M-PED/01)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to understand the main themes and to reflect on them in a critical way. In particular, they should show that they have acquired the main theoretical references and research that enhance change and learning in adults.


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Course unit content

The course aims at exploring the issue of adult education as constitutive of prospects and policies for the management of change and innovation in all areas of individual and collective life.
Through the study of some educational practices and training methods and through the analysis of some research results, the course analyses also the conditions that promote growth, change and learning in adults engaged in educational services as educators.
The role of social representations in adult education will be explored too.

Full programme

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L’esame verterà complessivamente su quattro testi, due uguali per tutti e due a scelta dello studente

Due testi uguali per tutti:
E. Marescotti, Educazione degli adulti. Identità e sfide, Milano, Unicopli, 2012
S.Moscovici, Le rappresentazioni sociali, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005.

Due testi a scelta tra i seguenti:
• Bove C., Ricerca educativa e formazione. Contaminazioni metodologiche, F.Angeli, Milano, 2009.
• Braga P., Promuovere consapevolezza. Esperienze di formazione tra ricerca e pratica educativa, Junior, Azzano San Paolo (Bg), 2010.
• Contini M. (a cura di), Il gruppo educativo. Luogo di scontri e di apprendimenti, Carocci, Roma, 2000.
• Mezirow J., Apprendimento e trasformazione, R.Cortina Editore, Milano, 2003.
• Mortari L., Apprendere dall'esperienza. Il pensare riflessivo nella formazione, Carocci, Roma, 2003.
• Wenger E., Comunità di pratica. Apprendimento, significato e identità, R.Cortina, Milano, 2006.
• Zannini L., Medical humanities e medicina narrativa. Nuove prospettive nella formazione dei professionisti della cura, R.Cortina, Milano, 2008.

The Syllabus expires on April 2017. From May 2017 the only active Syllabus is 2016/17.

Teaching methods

The course includes, in addition to lectures and theoretical reflections, even the direct involvement of students through case-studies, work-group and discussions in plenary. The students will be also involved in the analysis of different materials about pedagogical documentation.
Some experts' voices will enrich the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The students' learnings will be evaluate through an oral exam which includes questions about: a) the student's knowledge about the main topics b) the student's competence about reflecting on specific themes in a critical way c) the student's competence about analyzing issues across different contexts and perspectives.

Other information

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