Course unit partition: PIACENZA

Academic year 2014/15
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
500 hours
of face-to-face activities
20 credits
course unit
in - - -

Course unit partition: INTERNSHIP II YEAR

Learning objectives

During the first and second semester the student will be guided by the
supervisor in collecting the patient history in order to write the essay and
to complete the rehabilitative file.
The student will gain the ability to conduct a proper clinical and
functional exam and will be able to identify the main and secondary
problems of the patient, defining the short term and long term objectives.


2°year frequency

Course unit content

The correct use of clinical tools for the evaluation of the patient
(orthopaedic, peripheral neurological, cardio-respiratory,
The ability to identify the main problems of the patient,
To propose a rehabilitative program.

Full programme

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“Muscoloskeletal assessment”, Hazel M. Clarkson, Edi- Ermes.
-“Physical examination of the spine”, S. Hoppenfeld, Aulo Gaggi Editore.
- “Muscles- testing and function”, Florence Peterson Kendall, Verducci
-“Fisiologia Articolare”, I.A. Kapandji, Marrapese Editore
-“Steps to Folow”, Patricia M. Davies, Sprinter-Verlag Editore.
-“So quel che fai” G. Rizzolatti, Scienza e Idee Editore
-“Starting Again” Patricia M. Davies, Springer Editore
-“ Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation” 2nd Ed., S. Brent Brotzman, Kevin
E. Wiolk, Elsevier Ed.
-“Paralisi Cerebrale Infantile” A. Ferrari e Cioni, E. Del Cerro.
-“Architettura delle Funzioni”, Mora- Montanari-Bertozzi, Sprinter.
-“Malattie Neuromuscolari”, A. Ferrari, Ghedini Ed.

Teaching methods

Practical training, laboratory in a small group.reflecting on terapeutic

Assessment methods and criteria

Written Test and practical examination

Other information

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