Admission test

The FRIM degree course is open-access, however, students interested in enrolling should check that they meet the admission requirements published on the Enrolment Procedures and Deadlines page of the website

Admission test

Only graduates with a three-year degree awarded with a mark of less than 95/110 in one of the degree classes indicated in the "Enrolment procedure" section and graduates in possession of a foreign degree equivalent to or higher than an Italian three-year degree, regardless of the degree mark, must take the admission test, without prejudice to the procedure provided for by current legislation for degrees awarded abroad.

Graduating students who will graduate by December of each year and expect to graduate with a mark of less than 95/110 may also take the test. However, should the student pass the test but not graduate by December, the test will be cancelled.

The syllabus of the test and how to register for the test are published in the 'Enrolment procedure' section


In particular, for the purposes of preparing for the written test it is considered appropriate to refer to the following reference bibliography:

-    With regards to issues relating to the corporate/managerial area

Azzali S. (a cura di), Financial Reporting and Accounting Standard, Giappichelli, Torino, 2021
Gabrielli G, Todaro D.L. (a cura di), Eserciziario di Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards, Giappichelli, Torino, 2021, ebook

Tagliavini G., Poletti L., Ronchini B. (a cura di), Strumenti finanziari e creditizi (4edizione), McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2022 - Capitoli da studiare: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21

Ronchini B., Poletti L., Bocchialini E., Economia del sistema finanziario, Giappichelli, Torino, 2021.

Regalli M., Soana M.G., Tagliavini G. (a cura di), Analisi Finanziaria, Mc GrawHill, Milano, 2018 - dal capitolo 1 all'11 (escluso capitolo 8).

Monferrà S., Cotugno M., Mazzù S. (a cura di), Corporate & Investment Banking, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017 - capitoli 3 e dal 7 al 15.

Gandolfi G. (a cura di), Scelta e gestione degli investimenti finanziari, Bancaria Editrice, Roma, 2018.

-    With regards to topics relating to the mathematical-statistics area

S. Waner, S.R. Costenoble, Strumenti quantitativi per la gestione aziendale, Apogeo, Milano, 2018.

Samuel A. Broverman (2019). Matematica finanziaria. Edizione italiana a cura di A. Olivieri e G. Favero. Egea, Milano.

M.A. Milioli, M. Riani S. Zani, Introduzione all’analisi dei dati statistici, (terza edizione ampliata) Pitagora, Bologna, 2019.

A. Cerioli – M.A. Milioli – A.Corbellini – G.Morelli, Un’introduzione elementare all’inferenza statistica per le discipline aziendali , Uni.nova, Parma, 2022.

For students who do not already have the texts mentioned above (because, for example, they come from LTs from other universities), we invite you to proceed as follows: view the topics covered by the interview from the indexes found on the internet of the reference texts and review these topics in the texts used in their three-year degree course.


The Committee is composed of Professors

  • Fabrizio Laurini
  • Massimo Regalli
  • Benedetta Maria Crivelli

The test will be held in presence in written form in compliance with the health and safety regulations in force at the time of the test itself


The calendar shows the dates of the tests and the deadlines for submitting applications.

Dates and form are published HERE