cod. 21927

Academic year 2008/09
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Zootecnica speciale (AGR/19)
Zootecnia e produzioni animali
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: PHYSICAL CLIMATOLOGY

Learning objectives

<br />To give to the student the necessary competences on the animal welfare for the correct management of the zootechnical herds.


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Course unit content

<br />Definition of Animal Welfare.<br />Elements of Zootechnical Ethology; communication; aggressiveness and social structure; sexual behaviour; maternal behaviour; development of the behaviour; learning; alimentary behaviour; behavioural disturbs.<br />Main norm on the Bovine Welfare; main norm on the Swine Welfare; the norm on the animal welfare and relationships with the breeding structures.<br />Guided tours to zootechnical herds.

Full programme

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<br />David Sainsbury. Farm Animal Welfare. Collins, 1986.<br />Houpt K.A. Il comportamento degli animali domestici. EMSI, Roma, 2003.<br />AA.VV. La valutazione del benessere nella specie bovina. Fondazione iniziative zooprofilattiche e zootecniche. Brescia, 2002<br />AA.VV. Il benessere dei suini e delle bovine da latte: punti critici e valutazione in allevamento. Fondazione iniziative zooprofilattiche e zootecniche. Brescia, 2003.

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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