cod. 15687

Academic year 2008/09
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
CROTTI Paolo Giovanni
integrated course unit
3 credits
course unit
in - - -

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The course will provide students with the basic juridical concepts and principal applicable standards and doctrines of specific interest for correctly performing the activity of biomedical laboratory technician within the current healthcare profession context.


Participation in at least ? of classroom lessons and study of recommended texts.

Course unit content

<br />- Current teaching regulations and legal aspects of the healthcare profession of biomedical lab technician <br />
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- Overview of legal issues <br />
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- &n bsp; The healthcare professional qualified as a public official, assigned to a public service providing a necessary public service <br />
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- Basic concepts regarding the penal code: crimes and violations; principal and secondary sanctions; psychological aspect of crime (concept of wilful wrongdoing, crime in excess of intent and misconduct); cause and concurrent cause; motives for non-punishability; imputability <br />
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-< /FONT> Abuse of professional practice <br />
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- Healthcare documentation: the crimes of forgery and fraud in a public document <br />
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- The patient-healthcare worker relationship: professional secrecy, informed consent <br />
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- Safeguarding of privacy: applicable standards and primary obligations for healthcare workers <br />
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- Professional responsibility of the biomedical lab technician 

Full programme

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1) Copy of teaching materials for each lesson <br />
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2) Benci L.: Le professioni sanitarie (non mediche): aspetti giuridici, deontologici, medico legali Ed. McGraw-Hill Italia (most recent edition)

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures supplemented by audiovisual aids <br />
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Written exam at the end of the unit, or an oral exam on the basis of the exam schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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