cod. 21886

Academic year 2008/09
4° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
4.5 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

At he beginning of the third millenium, we understand that the techniques we use to make dermatologic diagnoses and to classify dermatologic patterns have been alteres dramatically. Much of the normal function of the skin and many of the skin diseases we deal with daily are related to complex interactions between environmental factors and individual's genotype. On the of other hand, our understanding of skin biology has reached an extrmely sophisticated level.


The aim of this Course of Dermatology is the scope it self of the modern dermatology, namely, to give the students what must be learned today to practice effectively the science and the art of dermatology, and what progress in envisionable in the years ahead.

Course unit content

<br />Biology, structure and functions of the skin. Fundamentals of diagnostic and clinical correlations of skin lesions: the structure of skin elementary lesions. Pathophysiology and clinical aspect of pruritus. Scabiens and pediculosis. Erythematous-desquamative diseases: psoriasis, pityriasis rosea, seborrheic dermatitis. Skin-specific auto-reactive cutaneous diseases: lichen planus, alopecia areata, vitiligo. Autoimmune bullous disorders: pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid, dermatitis herpetiformis. Autoimmune connective skin disorders (LED, dermatomyositis, morphea), skin manifestations of systemic autoiimunity. Acne, alopecia, rosacea. Acute skin disorders due to altered reactivity (urticaria and angioedema), drugs, insect bites, thermal injury. Contact dermatitis (including professional). Pediatric and adolescent dermatology: angioma, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis. Bacterial diseases with cutaneous involvement: gram positive pyodermas, erysipela, colliculitis. Viral skin diseases: herpes simplex, herpes zoster, molluscum contagiosum, cutaneous manifestations of human papillomavirus disease. Fungal diseases with cutaneous involvement: dermatophytosis, yeast infections (candidiasis, pityriasis versicolor). Disorders of melanocytes: nevi, melanoma. Benign epthelial tumors, epithelial precancerous lesions, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma. Proliferative skin lymphocyte disorders: primary cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Sexually-transmitted diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, cutaneous manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus disease, other veneral diseases. Skin changes due to environmental and physical factors, including non- ionizing radiations and cold injury. Vascular skin disorders: purpura, cutaneous vasculitis, skin ulcers. Principles of local cutaneous treatments: topical and physical agents, dermatologic surgery.<br />Plastic surgery: cicatrization of cutaneous wounds. Techniques of cutaneous closure, Z-plasty. Skin grafts. Cutaneous, mio-cutaneous, fasciomio-cutaneous flaps. Cutaneous injuries. Skin cancers. Pathologies by physical and chemical agents: caustic, frosbite, electric burns and radiodermitis.

Full programme

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<br />'Manuale di Dermatologia Medica e Chirurgica' (authors: T. Cainelli, A. Giannetti, A. Rebora)<br />'Dermatology in General Medicine' (chief author: T. Fitzpatrick)<br />"Chirurgia Plastica (Authors: Scuderi-Rubino)

Teaching methods

<br />Education activities: teaching course of lectures, 'small groups' practical demonstrations.<br />Examination modality: oral exam.<br /> <br /><br />Teachers:<br />SSD MED/35: Prof.Fiuseppe De Panfilis (Coordinator), Prof.Claudio Torresani, Prof.Sergio Di Nuzzo, Prof.Aldredo Zucchi<br />SSD MED/19: Prof.Cristano Dominici, Michela maria Dominici , Angelo Grignaffini

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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