Course unit partition: Cognomi O-Z

Academic year 2007/08
1° year of course -
Academic discipline
Economia degli intermediari finanziari (SECS-P/11)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Course unit partition: FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS

Learning objectives

The educational goal of the course is to convey the meaning and the functions of the characteristics of financial, credit, payment and insurance instruments. The basic aim is not to present an extensive review of the most widely used instruments in Italy, but to develop the ability to understand the reasons why they have been devised and offered to the market and, consequently, the needs that they meet, the elements that differentiate them and the causes of these differentiations and the logical models to use for expressing an assessment in terms of financial advantage. At the end of the course, students should have acquired a method for orienting themselves when interpreting and assessing (from a logical point of view) financial, credit, payment and insurance instruments (not only the currently existing ones, but also the innovations they might discover while carrying out their professional activity) so that they will be able to use them to meet their own financial needs and requirements and those of the businesses they will be operating in.


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Course unit content

<p>The needs and instruments of payment: money and payment needs, instruments of payment, instruments of payment in international commerce. Investment/financing needs and instruments: investment needs and the objectives of units in financial surplus, financing needs and the demand for financial instruments from businesses, bank and post office deposits, government bonds, common funds and sicav funds, shares, short-term business financing instruments, factoring, endorsement credits and direct short-term gearing instruments, medium to long-term business financing instruments. Risk management needs and instruments: speculative risks and related coverage problems, derivative instruments, pure risks and insurance instruments.</p>

Full programme

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Textbook. Munari L. (edited by), Gli strumenti finanziari e creditizi: dai bisogni alle soluzioni, McGraw-Hill, 2006.

Teaching methods

The course includes traditional lectures, practical activities and discussions in the classroom with the students.<br />
The learning progress of the students is assessed through a written examination with open questions (the student may request to take the examination in oral form).

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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