cod. 14902

Academic year 2007/08
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Geografia economico-politica (M-GGR/02)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
Hub-specific activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />The geographical approach to local development is centred on analysis of territorial structures and productive system that represent the points of reference of territorial organisation on the basis of which all the incentive policies are created to attract new initiatives for the development of the economic/social fabric From this standpoint, promotional activity will examine the most suitable conditions for the competitive evolution of the local productive system, identifying the proper tools to promote new localisations and productive specifications that respond to the strengthening of its process of internationalisation. At the same time, analysis of the incentive tools will consider human and environmental resources, with special attention to the structure and transformation of the city and its territory.


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Course unit content

<br />The course will cover material pertaining to individual components of the system in terms of: <br />Institutional and social organisation within the context of globalisation processes.<br />New concepts of territoriality and local territorial systems .<br />Analysis of complex regional systems: development from above and from below. Case studies.<br />Technology, innovation and localising processes. Technology parks.<br />Specific resources, milieu and innovative milieu<br />Cities within the globalisation process.<br />Urban and territorial marketing for strategic territorial management. Case studies.

Full programme

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<br />Miani F., Albanese V. (a cura di), Corso di economia e gestione delle risorse territoriali,  Parma, Azzali Editore, 2004

Teaching methods

<br />The course consists of classroom lectures. Some topics may be covered in seminars held by those working in this sector. <br />The course exam will be oral.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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