cod. 13164

Academic year 2008/09
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Economia ed estimo rurale (AGR/01)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />Understanding the objectives and tools of public intervention and rural development policies for the sustainable development of the territories in which agriculture represents a multi-functional activity. Review of economics and forestry and environmental estimates


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Course unit content

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Agriculture and the rural environment, characteristics of Italian agriculture and agrarian landscape. Agriculture in the Italian economic system. Italian agrarian policy. The agricultural policies of the European Union . European Union treaties and institutions. Agricultural spending: European Guidance and Guarantee Fund. Structural and economic and social cohesion policies. Environmental policies. <br />
Ecological economics. Sustainable development The determinant and adaptations of the agri-food system <br />
Forest production and the firm. The choices of the entrepreneur and forest planning. The forest-wood system and the demand for timber. <br />
Valuation of investments. Estimates of real estate. Estimates of woods and wood plantations, parks and forest infrastructure.

Full programme

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<br /><br />Merlo M. (1991) 'Elementi di economia ed estimo foresta le-ambientale', Patron Editore, Bologna <br />De Castro P. (2004) 'Verso una nuova agricoltura europea', Agra, Roma<br />Hoffmann A. (2006) 'La nuova politica di sviluppo rurale', Franco Angeli, Milan

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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