cod. 24141

Academic year 2009/10
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Slavistica (L-LIN/21)
Lingue e letterature moderne
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to develop students’ abilities to express themselves orally, as well as provide a cultural and historical understanding of some of the Countries that rose out of the ashes of ex-Yugoslavia.


There are no prerequisites.

Course unit content

There are no prerequisites. 

Full programme

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A. A. V. V., Storia della Jugoslavia, Turin 1969 <br />
Brabec, Babic S., Priručna gramatika hrvatskoga knjizevnog jezika, Zagreb 1979 <br />
Castellan G., Storia dei Balcani, Lecce 1999 <br />
Cronia A., Grammatica della lingua serbo-croata, Milan 1959. <br />
Ćorić B., Srpskohrvatski za strance, Beograd 1998. <br />
Grubišič V., Elementary croatian, Zagreb 1996, tt. I, II <br />
Kačić M., Hrvatski i srpski, Zagreb 1995 <br />
Lipovac Gatti M.; Grammatica della lingua croata, Milan 1997 <br />
Mrazović P., Vikadinović V., Gramatika srpskohrvatskog jezika za strance, Novi Sad 1990 <br />
Olivari Venier I., Compendio di grammatica croata, Trieste 1999. <br />
Pirjevec J., Storia dei Serbi, Croati, Sloveni, Bologna 1995 <br />
Prévélakis G., I Balcani, Bologna 1997 <br />
Pugliese G., Sretan put! Manuale di lingua bosniaca, croata e serba, Trieste 1999 <br />
Raguz D., Praktična hrvatska gramatika, Zagreb 1997 <br />
Ristelhueber R., Storia dei paesi balcanici, Rome 1959 <br />
Saronne E.T., Alberti A., Chi sono gli Slavi?, Bologna 2002 <br />

Teaching methods

Audiovisual media will be used during lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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