cod. 1003394

Academic year 2009/10
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Misure elettriche ed elettroniche (ING-INF/07)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: MICROWAVE SYSTEMS AND CIRCUITS

Learning objectives

The objectives of this course are to provide a foundational knowledge of microwave circuit design, including:<br />
<br />
1. an understanding of transmission lines, microstrip lines, and network theory,<br />
<br />
2. an applied understanding of matching networks using lumped and printed circuit components,<br />
<br />
3. the practical design of hybrids, couplers, dividers, detectors and passive mixers


Electronics, Transmission lines

Course unit content

 1. Matrix representation of two-port networks (S-,Z-,Y- and ABCD parameters)<br />
Calibration of coaxial and in-fixture VNA measurements<br />
Signal-flol graphs. Mason's rule.<br />
2. Resonators - Q, Transmission-line resonators, Cavity resonators, Dielectric resonators<br />
3. Power dividers and couplers - T-junctions, Magic Tees, and Wilkinson power dividers, Hybrid couplers, Coupled line and Lange couplers, Circulators, Isolators.<br />
4. Microwave Filters - Periodic structures, Filter design by the insertion loss method, Low-pass prototype: Butterworth, Chebysheff and Cauer. Frequency transformations. Planar filter circuit implementations<br />
5. Thermal and diode-based detectors. Sensitivity, noise. Passive mixers. Logarithmic detectors.<br />
6. Laboratory: filter and coupler design using ADS

Full programme

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Bahl I., Bhartia P., Microwave Solid-State Circuit Design, Wiley Interscience

Teaching methods

8 lectures (two-hours)<br />
4 labs (two-hours) : Students design, simulate, and analyze microwave circuit devices using Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS) throughout the course.<br />
<br />
Grading:<br />
Laboratory projects: 20 %<br />
Oral examination: 80%

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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