cod. 15028

Academic year 2011/12
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese (L-LIN/12)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
80 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

1. Develop all language skills as well as translation skills from Italian into English and from English into Italian.
2. Develop these skills in the context of lifelong learning.
3. Achieve a sound competence in the analysis of media texts with a view to identifying the actual content of the message through diverse linguistic expedients.
4. Become more autonomous in the learning of the language by acquiring the necessary linguistic competence with a view to using receptive and productive skills in a future professional context.


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Course unit content

Title of course: Say what you mean - Manoeuvring Language for pragmatic purposes in the Media

The course focuses on the analysis of media texts of entertainment as well as informative and persuasive ones that go to make up media discourse.
In particular, much attention will be given to the implicit and explicit pragmatic force of the utterance with a view to discovering the real intent of the speaker / writer. To this end, numerous texts will be examined, also from a contrastive point of view, in order to identify the lingistic and paralinguistic expedients that are involved in the creation of spoken and written media texts.

Full programme

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Mansfield, G. 2006 Changing Channels - Media Language in (Inter)Action, Milano: LED.
Di Sabato B. e Di Martino E. 2011. Testi in Viaggio. Incontri fra Lingue e Culture Attraversamenti di Generi e Di Senso Traduzione, UTET Università.

Mansfield G. 2010 War wages words, words wage wars . and metaphors. An overview of the pervasive use of “war” in everyday language.In Torre di Babele n.6, pp 133-144.
Mansfield, G. 2008. It’s good to laugh – Identifying Verbal and Non-verbal Humour in the British TV Sitcom. In Textus XXI, pp.27-46.
Mansfield G. (forthcoming). Anything for a laugh – maintaining humour in subtitling in the British TV Situation Comedy.

Mansfield G. (forthcoming) Laughter in the Lecture Theatre – a serious matter. Studying verbal humour in the British TV sitcom
Mansfield G. (forthcoming) And Murder She Wrote: un’indagine (quasi poliziesca) dei titoli dei romanzi del mistero (mystery novels) di scrittrici anglo-americane
Kelly-Holmes, H. Advertising as Multilingual Communication, ch. 2.

Teaching methods

Lezioni frontali;
Seminari di traduzione;
Esercitazioni pratiche;
Auto-apprendimento nell'Aula Multimedia.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written examination
Oral examination on the theoretical part of the course.

Other information

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