cod. 1006069

Anno accademico 2016/17
1° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Docente responsabile dell'insegnamento
insegnamento integrato
8 crediti
sede: PARMA

Insegnamento strutturato nei seguenti moduli:

Obiettivi formativi

Knowledge and understanding capabilities:
At the end of the course the student will learn how to conceive and design the resistant elements of a masonry building in a seismic area, also considering the soil-structure interaction and to understand the behaviour of some r.c. structural elements that can be inserted.

The student will be able to choose and pre-design the structural/geotechnical elements that compose a masonry building.

Independent judgment:
Capacity of identifying the static and seismic vulnerabilities of a masonry building and ability to remove them. Capacity of understanding the static behaviour of the analysed r.c. elements.

Communication skills:
During the course, the student will improve his technical dictionary, with specific reference to the terms of structures and construction, in order to communicate in an effective and precise way a structural/geotechnical design.

Learning ability:
The student must be able to select, once the problem has been identified, the most suitable structural/geotechnical solutions, evaluating options not explicitly described during the course.


The courses of Statics, Structural mechanics, and Structural Engineering are helpful

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

The course is organized in three modules.
The first module, “Design of Structures 1”, deals with structural design of:
- Reinforced concrete diaphragms;
- Stairs.
- Design concepts concerning some typologies of r.c. elements.
The second “Design of Structures 2” deals with static and seismic problems concerning the design of masonry buildings, like:
- - masonry mechanical characterization
- - static analysis of masonry buildings
- - concepts of seismology;
- - Seismic actions
- - Seismic detailing of masonry buildings
- - Seismic analysis of masonry buildings.
The third module, “Geotechnics”, deals with:
- - Concepts of geotechnics;
- - Theory and design of foundations.

Programma esteso

Refer to the program of the modules


See the books suggested in the single modules
More didactic material (AVAILABLE ON THE COURSE’S WEB SITE):
- Course slides

Metodi didattici

The course is composed of traditional frontal lectures, also with Powerpoint presentations.
Theoretical concepts are applied during the course by carrying out the step-by-step design of a masonry building with the insertion of some r.c elements.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

The exam is written. Given a project similar to that seen during the course, the exam consists in the design of some of its structural elements. The quiz/exercises are divided in three parts: Design of structures 1, 2 and Geotechnics. These contribute to the vote according to the following table:
Structural Design 1 1/3
Structural Design 2 1/3
Geotechnics 1/3

Altre informazioni

As for all the laboratories, attending the courses is required.

Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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