Non-selective test

Students who have obtained an upper secondary school diploma with a mark of less than 70/100 (or 42/60) must take a non-selective test aimed at verifying their entrance knowledge.
In the event that the test reveals deficiencies in the preparation required for admission to the degree course, and therefore the need for additional training obligations (OFAs) emerges, the student is directed, in order to fulfil these obligations, to supplementary activities and tutoring aimed at filling the gaps revealed by the test. These activities must be undertaken in the first year of the course.

Exemption from the test

The following are exempt from the entrance knowledge test:

  • those enrolled for transfer, those transitioning from other courses and those enrolled for withdrawal or loss of student status who have taken at least two examinations in their course of origin;
  • graduates from another degree course.

Mode of conducting the test

The test is designed to ascertain the possession of an adequate study method, enabling a correct approach to understanding and analysing texts.
The test consists of reading a scientific text (containing language and arguments from the legal, political, economic, historical or sociological disciplines) of a level comparable to those of first-year university students and performing the following tasks: highlight 3 to 5 key words, give an appropriate explanation of the meaning of the identified key words and indicate a synonym for each of them; summarise the passage in approximately 15-20 lines.



Dates for taking the test

For the A.Y. 2024/2025 the tests will be held on the following dates:  

   Tuesday, September 24, 2024 9:15 a.m. - (Classroom to be determined)
   Tuesday, October 15, 2024 9:15 a.m. - (Classroom to be determined)
   Tuesday, January 21, 2025 9:15 a.m. - (Classroom to be determined)

NB: If the health situation so requires, the test will be conducted electronically, in oral mode
Enrolment procedures
To take part in the test on one of the dates indicated above, enrol by filling in the FORM at least 3 days before the date on which the test is to be held

Criteria for evaluation of the test

The evaluation of the test will award a mark out of 10:

  • 4 marks for the explanation of key words;
  • 2 marks for the appropriateness of the proposed synonyms;
  • 4 marks for the completeness and clarity of the summary.

The candidate who obtains a score of at least 6/10 will be deemed suitable. Passing the test does not lead to the acquisition of credits in the relevant course units or academic disciplines.
The result of the test will be recorded in a special register prepared by the Student Registry Office and communicated to the student at the end of the test.

Additional training obligations (OFA)

Those who do not attend the test or fail it will be directed to additional training obligations.
In particular, prior to the winter examination session, an eight-hour preparatory course will be organised, held by course professors/instructors, departmental tutors and potentially external experts. The aim of the course is to enable the student to familiarise himself/herself with some methods of approaching the comprehension of a specialised text, using techniques appropriate to the disciplines covered in the course, with particular reference to strategies for summarising a text, the use of mind maps and/or conceptual maps for summarising content, and the use of specialised vocabularies for the correct acquisition of key words and principles.
The dates of the propaedeutic course classes are communicated via the course website.
Additional training obligations are considered to have been met if at least 75% of the preparatory course is attended.
Those who, having either failed or not sat the test, do not attend the propaedeutic course, will have to pass an oral examination on the analysis of various strategies for learning texts in front of a Committee of Professors appointed by the Course Council before being allowed to take any examinations.
The recommended text to prepare for the interview is the following:

Propaedeutic courses

The objective of the course is to enable the student to familiarize himself/herself with some methods of approaching the comprehension of a specialized text, using techniques appropriate to the disciplines involved in the Course, with particular reference to strategies for summarizing a text, the use of mind maps and/or conceptual maps to facilitate synthesis work, and the use of specialized vocabularies with regard to the correct acquisition of pivotal words and principles.

The Course will be held on the following date:


  • 11 - 14  november 2022

Seminario “SOFT SKILLS (competenze trasversali)”, tenuto dalla Prof.ssa Maria Santa Ferretti

The seminar will be held, on Teams on 11 novembre 2022, ore 15.30 - 17.30  

14 november, 17.45 - 19-15. The meeting is open to all Students of the Department of Law, Political and International Studies degree programs.

Liaison for 11 november 2022 15.30 - 17.30

Liaison 14 november 2022  17.45 - 19.15


  • 21 - 22  november 2022

Seminar on the subject of study method, taught by Prof. Giacomo Degli Antoni

The seminar will be held, on Teams on 21 e 22 november 2022  09.00 - 11.00

Laison for 21 november 2022  09.00 - 11.00

Laison for  22 november 2022  09.00 - 11.00