cod. 1011489

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Annual
Federica OTTONI
Academic discipline
Restauro (ICAR/19)
Teorie e tecniche per il restauro architettonico
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION STUDIO

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding capabilities:
At the end of the course, the student will have a wide and critical view on
the methods and techniques for the architectural heritage restoration and
of its valorization, in connection with the current cultural debate.
At the end of the course the student will be able to identify the main
material and structural issues of an historical building and tits value. He
will be able to develop, following a critical analysis of the building, an
organic restoration and conservation design of the case study, aimed at
its possible reuse and valorization.
Independent judgment:
The student will have to develop the capability of evaluating critically the
conservation status of a historical building, identifying the most suitable
techniques for the specific case, looking for an equilibrium between
conservation, safety and functionality. Moreover, the student will be able
to interpret and assess the quality of any restoration design.
Communication skills:
During the course, the student will improve its correctness of speech,
with specific reference to the technical terms of restoration, in order to
communicate in an effective and precise way a restoration design.
Learning ability:
The student must be able to critically select the most suitable
intervention and to relate his choice to the current cultural debate


It is helpful if students have attended the Restoration course, as the base
knowledge of restoration theories and of historical building elements are
taken for granted during the course. It is also useful to have some knowledge of computer aided design (e.g.
Autocad) and multimedia presentaions (e.g. Powerpoint).

The fundamental concepts of statics and construction science will be the basis for the development of the Assessment f structural safety module.

Course unit content

The course is organizaed in two parts: a theoretical one and an applied
The theoretical part, given that the knowledge on restoration theories
and historical buildings elements, as the structural restoration and
strengthening techniques, should have already been acquired, is focused on the following subjects:
1. Basic concepts: restoration, conservation
2. The normative system and history of heritage protection
3. Valorization and reuse of historical heritage: economy and values
4. Analysis of historical masonry
5. Analysis of arch and vaulted structures; 6. Wooden elements

Full programme

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Suggested books:
• AA. VV, Trattato di restauro architettonico, diretto da Giovanni
Carbonara, Utet, Torino 1996.
• B. P. TORSELLO, S. F. MUSSO, Tecniche di restauro architettonico, Utet,
Torino 2003.
• AA. VV., Il manuale del restauro architettonico, coordinato da Luca Zevi,
Mancosu, Roma 2001

Teaching methods

The course is composed of traditional lectures (tought class), also with
Powerpoint presentaions.
During the course, also some seminars with external lecturers will be
held, to inspect more deeply specific issues. For the applied part, the students will be divided in groups (2 to 4 people,
in continuity with the previous course). Each group will develop a
restoration and strengthening design on a real historical building and will
be followed by the teacher with periodic reviews. The reviews are made
in groups, on printed material prepared by the students.

Assessment methods and criteria

Collective reviews are planned during the year (roughly two),
with public presentation of the projects, which will allow a first
assessment of the property of language and communication skills
of the students.
The exam takes place orally and consists of:
- Discussion of the project with "defense" of the choices made (1/2 final vote)
- Check the knowledge acquired during the course with some questions
on the theoretical part carried out in relation to the two modules (1/2 final grade)

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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