cod. 1009369

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Ecologia (BIO/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

This part of the module is offered to students of the 2nd year of the second degree who are expected to deal with the assessment and management of complex environmental issues that are relevant to human society.
Two main goals are proposed.
1-evaluate how selected ecosystem services can be managed at the local/regional scale (and the links with biodiversity);
2-address the ecological restoration as a tool for restoring (altered and degraded) ecosystems.
These goals will be achieved by addressing case studies at local/regional level.
Objectives 1 and 2 are aimed at the application of acquired knowledge in a professional context, whereby the ability to identify and analyze problems is required, as well as to propose solutions. In parallel, the students are trained at developing communication skills, judgment capacity and self-learning abilities.


Basic knowledge from the undergraduate program

Course unit content

This part of the course addresses ecosystem management and restoration. The basic concepts and methods of restoration ecology are presented as modes of managing altered and damaged ecosystems. This part of the course is organized with case studies, in collaboration with sector professionals and experts. The main goal is to identify a target ecosystem area on which to conduct biodiversity-related insights (conservation status) to derive management guidance.

Full programme

General considerations and goals of restoration ecology.
Ambiguities and limits of restoration ecology, or the 4Rs: Reclamation, Rehabilitation, Recovery, Restoration. Reference conditions. Analytical and integrative ecological approach. Adaptive approach to management. Evolution of the ecosystem and time scales of interventions and management: perturbations, resilience and regime shift. International initiatives: United Nation decade on ecological restoration (2021-2030); European biodiversity strategy 2030.

CASE STUDIES. The study of ecosystem repair and reconstruction is proposed through some case studies referable to the lecturer's research experience and collaborations and to projects and applications that have been initiated in the Po River basin. The main focus will be on biodiversity in the City of Parma: assessment and recovery strategies - through also the tool of bioblitzes and Citizen science actions.

CASE 1. Environmental rehabilitation of irrigation channels: methods, objectives and first results. In collaboration with the Central Emilia Reclamation Consortium.
CASE 2. Ecosystem services in urban centres: Picasso Food Forest (via Picasso, Parma) and Campus Garden (Science and Technology Campus). In collaboration with Fruttorti of Parma.
CASE 3. UNESCO MaB reserves as a tool to achieve sustainable development. The UNESCO MaB reserve "Po grande". This activity is carried out with the support of the Po River Basin District Authority.
CASE 4. The restoration project of the river Po within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. This activity is carried out with the support of the Po River Basin District Authority.


Textbook: Galassi, Ferrari, Viaroli, 2014. Introduzione all'Ecologia Applicata. Dalla teoria alla pratica della sostenibilità. CittàStudi Edizioni, Milano (Italian only).
A list of books available in the university libraries and open access papers, reporrts, e-books and web pages will be provided at the beginning of the course. In addition the lecture slides and note booklet on the main topics will be made available and uploaded in the Elly platform.

Teaching methods

The organization of the teaching activity consists of three modes with different levels of student participation.
activity 1: introduction and presentation of the case study by the lecturer (focus biodiversity and municipality of Parma);
activity 2: teaching excursions related to the case study with the support of technicians/experts in the field;
activity 3: individual and/or group work aimed at deepening one of the environmental/ecosystemic issues/criticisms characteristic of the study area. The work will then be presented orally in a dedicated workshop-which could include dissemination events in the form of bioblitz-citizen science actions.

Assessment methods and criteria

At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to critically analyze the goods and services provided by the ecosystems. They are also expected to be capable of discriminating between natural and altered processes, to identify the causes of alterations and the most critical components, and to propose possible solutions. Preparation is assessed by a final exam/event (including dissemination) in which students present and discuss a syllabus topic. The exam must specifically address the valuation and enhancement of ecosystem services and ecological tools for the care and rehabilitation of ecosystems and biodiversity. The exam is evaluated by 50% from the contents (ability to apply knowledge and technical skills), and by 50% from the discussion (communication and judgment skills). The final vote ranges between 0 and 30. The exam is passed with 18/30, the maximum is 30/30, excellence deserves cum laude. The workshops arnd report/paper are evualuated up to 3 points, which are summed up with the final mark.

Other information

This module is divided into two parts: lectures (4 credits, 32 hours) and exercises/field works (2 credits, 40 hours).
The module is Module is integrated with the Module "Quality, functionality and sustainable use of soils" (Prof.ssa Cristina Menta).