cod. 19342

Academic year 2007/08
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
5 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

On the subject of Occupational Medicine, students are expected to be able to: define the concepts of risk and risk factor for human health; identify health risks in workplaces; Learn the criteria for assessing exposure to chemical, physical and biological pollutants; learn the dangers and risks existing in health care structures (drugs, detergents, disinfectants, anaesthetics, ionising radiations); learn and know how to use personal protection equipment; understand how the organisation of work affects the health of professional workers. Describe the main standards and legal provisions on hygiene and safety in the workplace; know the fundamental principles for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases. <br />
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On the subject of General Hygiene and Infectious Diseases, the aim of the course is to provide students with theoretical concepts with a view acquiring knowledge on infectious diseases, modes of contagion and spreading of diseases in the community, computer systems and surveillance and intervention protocols for the control of epidemics, individual and collective methods of prophylaxis. Students will also be supplied with useful tools to develop learning and inter-disciplinary activities and to orientate future professional behaviour.


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Course unit content

<br />General concepts of hygiene, classification and the natural history of diseases, risk factors, prevention levels. <br />
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Environment and host-parasite relationships, sources and reservoirs of infection, transmission modes of infectious diseases. <br />
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Notification and the flows of disease surveillance information. Isolation and quarantine measures. Epidemiological investigations, specific prevention measures and public health precautions in the event of outbreaks of diseases. <br />
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!Active immunoprophylaxis, preparation of vaccines, mandatory and recommended vaccinations, contraindications and adverse effects. The national vaccine plan, vaccination strategies and the vaccine calendar. Passive immunoprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis. <br />
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Epidemiology and prevention of airborne diseases. Epidemiology and prevention of diseases transmitted by parenteral route, through sexual contact or through direct contact. Vertically transmitted diseases. Epidemiology and prophylaxis of diseases transmitted by vectors and zoonosis. <br />
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Epidemiology and prevention of diseases transmitted via fecal-oral route. <br />
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Life styles, chronic degenerative diseases. Overview of epidemiology and prophylaxis interventions. <br />
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Nosocomial infections; Catheter infections; Urinary infections; Infectious meningitis; Acute encephalitis; Tubercolosis; Viral hepatitis; Infections in HIV positive subjects. <br />
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Risk factors and occupational activities: the concept of danger and risk; classification of risk factors; dangerousness and toxicity of substances and preparations <br />
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Methods of environmental protection against occupational risks: identification, assessment and control; occupational exposure limits <br />
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Occupational diseases and work-related diseases. The main clinical pictures of occupational diseases induced by chemical, physical and biological agents <br />
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Health care environment risks: (i) drugs, detergents and disinfectants; (ii) antiblastic drugs; (iii) gas anaesthetics; (iv) ionising and non ionising radiations <br />
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The allergologic risk and personal protection equipment <br />
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The organisation of work as a health risk factor; ergonomics of hospital work (moving of loads and prolonged static postures) <br />
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Health control of workers. Biological monitoring and health surveillance. Preventive and periodical health controls <br />
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Legislation on the protection of workers’ health and safety in the workplace; protection of the health of health care professionals 

Full programme

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G. Franco. Compendio di Medicina del Lavoro e Medicina Preventiva degli Operatori Sanitari. Piccin Editore <br />
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F. Gobb a Occupational risks in the hospital environment | 2? ed. McGraw Hill | 1999 <br />
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Carlo Signorelli Igiene, Epidemiologia e Sanita Pubblica Soc Ed Universo Roma 2003 <br />
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J.Acar, M.Armengaud, J.Modai, O.Lortholary: Handbook delle Malattie Infettive.

Teaching methods

Classroom lecture with the use of audiovisual aids and open discussions with the students <br />
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Written examination and/or oral test according to the examination schedule

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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