cod. 08732

Academic year 2008/09
6° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Giovanni Battista NARDELLI
integrated course unit
4 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />The main aim of the integrated course of gynecology and obstetrics is to enable students to classify the health conditions of a woman particularly with reference to her general health conditions. The main aim, therefore, is to examine both gynaecological and obstetric issues in relation to general medicine:<br />Adolescence, fertile age, post-menopause are fundamental stages in the life of a woman and coincide with variations in the health status both from a physical and from a psychic point of view. In-depth knowledge of these issues is fundamental to enable general practitioners to make more appropriate diagnoses and to choose the most suitable treatment as well as to significantly contribute to the prevention of the tumours of the female genital apparatus. In depth knowledge of pathophysiological alterations during pregnancy and of the functioning of the various organs and systems is essential for the understanding and management of many pregnancy-related diseases often associated with topics related to internal medicine.


Abortion and ectopic pregnancy. Amenorrhea; dysfunctional metrorrhagias. Medical complications of pregnancy (diabetes, anemias, urinary tract infections, thyroid diseases, cardiopathies, thromboembolic disease). Prenatal diagnosis and obstetric ultrasound scan. Pelvic pain. Pelvic inflammatory disease. Endocrinology of pregnancy.

Course unit content

<br />Endometriosis. Fibromas and uterine fibromatosis. Fetal-placental physiology. Gynecology of children and adolescents Physiological pregnancy. Post-term pregnancy. The menstrual cycle. Nosographic classification of the main pathological conditions. Infertility. Diagnosis and treatment. Obstetric operations. Hypertension during pregnancy. Rh isoimmunization. Trophoblastic diseases of pregnancy. Menopause. Metrorrhagias in the third trimester of pregnancy.Gynecological oncology. Cervix and endometrium. Ovary. Vagina and vulva. Pre-term childbirth. Static pelvic disease and urinary incontinence. Birth control. Puerperium and breast-feeding. Teratology. Labour and childbirth. Fetal monitoring during labour. Vulvovaginitis . Sexually transmitted diseases

Full programme

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<br />-Manuale di Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologi ca<br />Pescetto-De Cecco-Pecorari, - Ed. SEU    <br /> <br />-Obstetrics<br />Williams, 21^ edizione, Ed.Mc Graw Hill<br /> <br />-Yen-Jaffe Reproductive EndocrinologyStrauss-Barbieri, 5^ edizione, Ed. Elsevier-Saunders.

Teaching methods

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Teachers:<br />
SSD MED/40: Prof.Giovanni Battista Nardelli (Coordinator), Prof.Alberto Bacchi Modena ,Prof.Francesco Coppola, Prof.Dandolo Gramellini, Prof.Mirella Armanetti, Prof.Ferdinando Chiavazza, Prof.Vittorio Condemi, Prof.Bruno Ferrari, Prof.Alessandro Grignaffini, Prof.Carla Merisio, Prof.Giovanni Piantelli, Prof.Carla Verrotti di Pianella<br />
SSD MED/41: Prof.Guido Fanelli<br />
SSD MEED/47: Prof.Alberto Bacchi Modena

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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