cod. 14438

Academic year 2008/09
5° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
1 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

<br />Knowledge of the main surgical aspects of cervical, thoracic and emergent abdominal pathology.


The student must have obtained certification of frequency of the following courses: Human Anatomy, Physiology, General Pathology, Biochemistry, Semiotics, Microbiology, Pathologies of the Digestive System, Pathologies of the Endocrine System.

Course unit content

<br />Pathology of Shock. General considerations. Hemorrhagic, traumatic and septic shock<br /> <br />Skin burns and caustications.<br /> <br />Necrosis, ulcer and gangrenes<br /> <br />Gas gangrene <br /> <br />Vascular pathology. Clinical picture, Diagnostic and Therapeutic approach to: arterosclerotic vascular disease. Aneurysms. Arterial thromboembolism of the lower limbs. Chronic obstructive arteriopathy of the lower limbs. Varicose Veins of Lower Limbs. Thrombophlebitises.<br /> <br />Thyroid gland. Clinical picture, Diagnostic and Therapeutic approach to: Acute and Subacute thyroiditis. Cystic Colloid Goiter, Toxic Goiter, Thyroid Carcinomas. MEN I, MEN II<br /> <br />Parathyroid glands. Hyperparathyroidisms.<br /> <br />Thorax and Lung. Closed blunt chest traumas and chest injuries. Pulmonary abscess. Bronchopulmonary tumors. Metastatic pulmonary tumors. Mediastinic syndrome. Mediastinitis.<br /> <br />Mammary gland. Brief review of anatomy and physiology. Diagnostic and Therapeutic approach to: Phlogistic pathologies. Benign neoformations. Mammary carcinoma.<br /> <br />Esophagus. Brief review of anatomy and physiology. Diagnostic and Therapeutic approach to: Motor dysfunctions: Achalasy, Diffuse esophageal spasm. GER and esophagitis. Congenital and acquired malformations. Traumatic and caustic injuries. Esophageal diverticuli. Diaphragmatic hernias. Hiatal hernias. Barrett's esophagus. Benign and malign tumors.<br /> <br />Abdominal traumatology. Closed traumas. Abdominal injuries.<br /> <br />Peritoneum. Diffuse acute peritonitis. Subphrenic abscesses. Circumscribed pelviperitonitis. Ascites. Hemoperitoneum.<br /> <br />Intestinal occlusion. Mechanical ileus. Dynamic ileus.<br /> <br /> 

Full programme

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<br />Dionigi R: Chirurgia, Ed.Masson <br />Colombo C: Trattato di Chirurgia, Ed. Minerva Medica <br />Gallone L: Patologia Chirurgica, Casa Ed. Ambrosiana <br />Sabiston DC: Trattato di Chirurgia, Delfino Ed. <br />Peracchia A, Okolicsanji L, Roncoroni L: Malattie dell'Apparato Gastrointestinale - McGraw-Hill, 2004

Teaching methods

<br />Teachers:<br />SSD BIO/16: Prof.Marco Vitale<br />SSD MED/18: Prof.Luigi Roncoroni (Coordinator), Prof.Mario Sianesi, Prof.Sandro Contini, Prof.Luigi Bonati, Prof.Paolo Dell'Abate, Prof.Raffaele Dalla Valle, Prof.Gioacchino Iapichino, Prof.Patrizia Rubini, Prof.Giuseppe Sgobba

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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