cod. 22036

Academic year 2008/09
3° year of course - Second semester
  • Federica GARDINI
  • Giorgio MACELLARI
  • Leonardo MARCHESI
Academic discipline
Storia della medicina (MED/02)
Scienze umane e psicopedagogiche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
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course unit
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Course unit divided into the following partitions:

Integrated course unit module: LAW

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to make students aware of the ethical aspects of the nursing profession especially those concerning relations with the patient, and to bring to their knowledge the increasingly more complex issues linked to scientific and technological progress. <br />
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Understand the meaning of the Professional Code of Conduct. Acquire knowledge enabling the adopting of professional behaviour during professional practice. Recognise the code of conduct as the guide to professional practice. Learn how to deal with problems, accept opportunities and promote relations between diverse components.


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Course unit content

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History of Bioethics. Principles of Bioethics and the ethical theories. The nurse-patient relationship. Organ donations for transplantation purposes. Living-donor transplants. The ethics of organ transplantation. The human embryo question. Medically assisted procreation and in vitro insemination: ethical aspects. Biotechnology: cloning, staminal cells, bioengineering. The human genome and the frontiers of science. Euthanasia and heroic measures: Living wills. Economy and ethics in medicine: the choices. 
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History of Bioethics. Principles of Bioethics and the ethical theories. The nurse-patient relationship. Organ donations for transplantation purposes. Living-donor transplants. The ethics of organ transplantation. The human embryo question. Medically assisted procreation and in vitro insemination: ethical aspects. Biotechnology: cloning, staminal cells, bioengineering. The human genome and the frontiers of science. Euthanasia and heroic measures: Living wills. Economy and ethics in medicine: the choices. <br />
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The citizens’ pact. Comments to each article of the Professional Code of Conduct. Professional profile.

Full programme

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P. Cattorini: Bioetica. Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici. <br />
S. Spinsanti: Bioetica e Nursing. Ed. McGraw-Hill

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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