Course unit partition: PARMA

Academic year 2008/09
3° year of course -
Paolo Giovanni CROTTI
Academic discipline
Medicina legale (MED/43)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Course unit partition: FORENSIC MEDICINE

Learning objectives

The course will provide students with the basic juridical concepts and principal applicable standards and doctrines of specific interest for correctly performing nursing activity within the current healthcare profession context.


Participation in at least ? of classroom lessons and study of recommended texts.

Course unit content

<br />Legal aspects of this profession. Nursing Code of Ethics as the criteria for exercising this profession. Legal overview and basic concepts pertaining to civil and penal offences. Psychological aspect of crime. Cause and concurrent causes. Motives for non-punishability and imputability: Exclusion criteria. Principal healthcare related crimes. Legal aspects of the medical record: the crimes of forgery and fraud in a public document. Healthcare documentation for which nursing professionals are responsible. Privacy laws: protection of sensitive data. Legal competency and the ability to act: disablement, disqualification and providing support. Legislation regarding maternity rights and voluntary interruption of pregnancy: conscientious objection. Primary aspects of the application of legislation regarding the removal and transplanting of organs and tissue. Consent for medical procedures. Mandatory healthcare treatment and physical constriction of the patient. The healthcare worker-patient relationship: professional responsibility of the nurse. 

Full programme

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1) Copy of teaching materials for each lesson <br />
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2) Benci L.: Aspetti giuridici della professione infermieristica. Elementi di Legislazione sanitaria ? Ed. McGraw-Hill Italia (most recent edition)

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures supplemented by audiovisual aids <br />
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Written exam (closed answer questions) at the end of the unit, or an oral exam on the basis of the exam schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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