cod. 16357

Academic year 2012/13
5° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Malattie odontostomatologiche (MED/28)
Discipline odontoiatriche e radiologiche
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: DENTAL PROSTHESIS

Learning objectives

Provide students with the essential theoretical and practical knowledge which will enable a systematic and rational approach to the diagnosis and treatment of oral rehabilitation with fixed and removable restorations, both partial and total, so as to enable it to design and implement the most common prosthetic.


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Course unit content

Clinical exercises: running first visits, diagnosis and formulation of treatment plan. Preprarazione periodontal initial.
Practical: Evaluation of prosthetic abutments and edentulous saddles of X-rays, study models and photographs, making a diagnosis and their treatment plan.
Tutorials: demonstration of partial preparations.
Practice on mannequin.
Practical: reconstruction of endodontically treated teeth.
Practical exercises: Run by students of coronal preparations of total dummy.
Practical: construction of a temporary restoration in all its steps.
Practical: construction of dentures running on plaster models the various stages of the laboratory.
Clinical exercises on patients as needed.

Full programme

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Giulio Preti, La riabilitazione protesica Ed. UTET
G. Preti, G. Gassino, Approccio biologico al trattamento del paziente edentulo.Ed. QUINTESSENZA
Jan H.N.Pameijer, Fattori parodontali ed occlusali nella costruzione di ponti e corone. Ed. USES.
Giulio Preti, Paolo Pera, La protesi parziale rimovibile. Ed PICCIN.
Shillingburg, Hobo, Whitsett. Basi fondamentali di protesi fissa. Ed. Scienza e Tecnica Dentistica. EDIZIONI INTERNAZIONALI S.n.c.
Shillingburg, Jacobi, Brackett, Principi delle preparazioni dentali. Ed. Scienza e Tecnica Dentistica. EDIZIONI INTERNAZINALI S.n.c.
Dario Castellani, Elementi di occlusione. Ed. MARTINA, Bologna
Glauco Marino, Atlante di protesi totale. Ed. MARTINA, Bologna

Teaching methods

Tutorials manikin, on patients and the dental laboratory.

Assessment methods and criteria

Practical tests

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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