Learning objectives
Acquisition of capacity to perform functional evaluation and physiotherapeutic treatment in the main traumatological and rheumatological orthopedic pathologies
Locomotor apparatus anatomy
Kinesiology locomotor apparatus
Course unit content
Rehabilitation of major traumatic and degenerative orthopedic diseases and Rehabilitation of the main Rheumatological diseases: Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid artrhitis, Osteoporosis, Arthrosis
Full programme
Functional examination and differential diagnosis of the orthopedic patient. Evaluation and physioterapy treatment in case of muscle and tendon injuries, painful shoulder, elbow and wristy trauma, epycondilitis and epitrocleitis, carpal tunnel sdr, patellar femoris pain, lesion and LCA,LCP,LCM,LCL, Menischi, lesion in the ankle and foot. Rehabilitation of the main rheumatological diseases: Fybromyalgia, Rheumatoid artrithis, Osteoporosis, Artrosis
Teacher's lecture
La riabilitazione in ortopedia, S.Brent Brotzman, Kevin E. Wilk, Elsevier srl,2004.
Kinesiology of the Muscoloskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation, Donald A.Neumann Edizione 3, Elsevier,2016.
Teaching methods
lectures and practical exercises
Assessment methods and criteria
oral examination
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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