cod. 15960

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Laboratori professionali dello specifico ssd
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
course unit

Course unit divided into the following partitions:

Learning objectives

The course will ensure the acquisition of the following competncies according with Dublin descriptors (Acquiring knowledge and understanding
Applying knowledge and understanding;
Making informed judgements and choices;
Communicating knowledge and understanding;
Capacities to continue learning)
 To know professional profile and the responsabilities of physioterapist.
 To know laws and professional behaviour
 To know the Deontology Code and his articles .
 To Understand Relevant Codes Of Conduct
 To Undertake Reflective Practicesand Self Analysis Of Professionals Abilities

According with the2°,3°,4°,5° Dublin descriptors the students will partecipate to tutorials experience



Course unit content

The course contents :
- Professional profile
- Professional responsibility of the physiotherapist
- Law 1994/741
- Law 1999/42
- Law 2000/251
- Physiotherapists in Europe: physiotherapist practice in Europe; physiotherapist training in Europe
- The deontological code: AIFI (Italian physiotherapist association)
Medical law and clinical bioethics

- Regulation of the physiotherapist’s profession
- The deontological code of the profession
- Legal outline
- Sanitary law: the clinician as a public health figure responsible for public service
- Fundaments of tort law: crime and fines; main and accessory penalties; concepts of criminal intent, negligence and guilt; causes and contributory factors; reasons for non-punishment; indictment
- Common public health offences: failure to report, complaints; failure to give assistance; private abuse; child abuse, illegal use of the profession by an unauthorised person
- Patient documentation:
- The crime of false or negligent writing.
- The relationship between the patient and healthcare professional: professional confidentiality, informed consent
- Data protection act and principle obligations of healthcare professionals

Full programme

 Professional responsaibility of the physiotherapist
 Law 1994/741
 Law 1999/42
 Law 2000/251
 The deontological code: AIFI (Italian physiotherapist association)

Knowing professional behaviour appropriate to physiotherapy
 Understand Relevant Codes Of Conduct
 Undertake Reflective Practicesand Self Analysis Of Professionals Abilities
 Legislatives And Common Law Requirements
 operating at all time in accordance with deontology code
 making judgement on his own capacity to provide care based on self assesement and taking appropriate action
 being respectful and sensitive to the patient and to the individual needs and adjusting comunication to meet these needs
 reflecting listening skills
 maintenance patient’s records
 working effectively in a team
 pay attention to icf
Medical law and clinical bioethics

- Regulation of the physiotherapist’s profession
- The deontological code of the profession
- Legal outline
- Sanitary law: the clinician as a public health figure responsible for public service
- Fundaments of tort law: crime and fines; main and accessory penalties; concepts of criminal intent, negligence and guilt; causes and contributory factors; reasons for non-punishment; indictment
- Common public health offences: failure to report, complaints; failure to give assistance; private abuse; child abuse, illegal use of the profession by an unauthorised person
- Patient documentation:
- The crime of false or negligent writing.
- The relationship between the patient and healthcare professional: professional confidentiality, informed consent
- Data protection act and principle obligations of healthcare professionals


Luke Benci. The Health Professions (non-medical) legal, ethical, medical and legal. McGraw-Hill
Daniel Rodriguez. The codes of ethics of the physiotherapist. Reflections and comparisons. McGraw-Hill

"Professione Fisioterapista"
edizioni UTET
D.Rodriguez"I codici deontologici del fisioterapista:analisi e confronti"edizioni McGrew-Hill
Power point slides .

Teaching methods

Theorical lessons and question answer,and role playing ,according to Dublin descrptors(1°,2°,3°,4°)

Assessment methods and criteria

Interactive during the lesson

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. [email segreteria @unipr] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 000000

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