Course unit partition: Parma Azienda USL

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course -
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: Parma Azienda USL
course unit
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Course unit partition: CLINICAL LABORATORY 2

Learning objectives

the student must be able to deliver therapy following the rule of 7 G, should know the main regulations regarding the administration of medications, blood transfusions, fluids, of various kinds; must know how to properly handle the administration and registration of narcotic medications.
They need to know what are the main problems and acts resulting nursing major and most common diseases that are commonly encountered in daily practic


the student must have successfully completed the first year and have attended the lessons of Nursing in Surgery and Medicine in Nursing and Specialized Medicine

Course unit content

The course of the clinical laboratory is part of the ongoing "Vocational training II years."
The course aims to teach the application of the principles of care for the various categories of patients with chronic organ tutorial on how to deliver therapy (materials, methods, dilutions, etc.)

Full programme

care plans for patients with
1. Damn vascular / brain
2. Heart disease
3. Chest pain
4. B.P.C.O.
5. Hypertensive crisis.
6. liver problems
7. diabetics
8. nephropathic

Define the activities, identifying priorities through care plans, assessment, nursing diagnosis, the real potential and collaborative, with planning of 'personalized care and treatment;
Monitoring and recording of the variables, with measurement tools. (see stairs and values of the main blood tests)
theory of drug administration (including anticancer and drugs)
theory of administration of fluids including transfusions


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Teaching methods

lectures, exercises with tools (syringes, infusion pumps, log loading and unloading drugs, etc.) and theoretical dilutions of drugs for the exact dosage

Assessment methods and criteria

development of a care plan / prepare a lecture on the value of blood test chosen by tutor
exact answer for at least 4 out of 6 questions regarding the dilution of drugs

Other information

compulsory attendance

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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