cod. 1005770

Academic year 2014/15
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Michele ZAZZI
integrated course unit
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

Knowledges and ability of learning:
At the end of the course, the student will also have acquired a specific preparation in theme of Urban planning, eminent domain (Urban planning law and Eminent domain law’s collection), location of public works and building activity (Building law’s collection) and this following the examination of practical cases.
The student would owe besides, to have matured the Knowledges and competences of base of the discipline of reference, to face, in the future, an autonomous close examination of such aspects, certainly necessary for the carrying out of the profession, both in free form, and to the dependences of a public administration.

At the end of the run of study, the student will have learned the procedures for approval of generals and specials urban plans, location of public works and eminent domain, and the procedures for the release of the building permissions, as well as the norms that discipline her. Therefore, the student will be able to instruct, in autonomy, the principal connected fulfillments to such procedures.

Communicative abilities:
After the examination, the student should have mature an enough ownership of language, how much less for how much concerns the technical-juridical terminology of the teaching.


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Course unit content

Part 1 – Urban planning and eminent domain
- Constitutionals profiles and generals profiles of administrative law;
- Urban planning: generals profiles;
- Directive general urban planning: territorial coordination’s plan;
-Operational general urban planning: local strategic plan and
planning’s program;
- Ordinary executive urban planning: in the physical space: detailed plans and apportionment’s plans in the time: executive’s long term plans;
- Executive urban plan in the physical space with special finality: economic and popular housebuilding plan, plan for productive installation, urban recovery plan and
other specials plans;
- The interventions on the existing building patrimony;
- The discipline of the public works location;
- Eminent domain.

Part 2 – Building activity
- Building activity (general theory);
- Building rules, Building Commission and Unique Counter for the Housebuilding;
- Private and public free building activity;
- Building permission;
- Certified signaling of beginning activity (s.c.i.a.) and (previously in force) report of beginning activity (d.i.a.);
- The so-called “Super d.i.a.”;
- Administrative offence in the building law.

Full programme

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G. Pagliari, Corso di Diritto urbanistico, Fifth Edition, Milan, Giuffrè Editore, 2014, in press..
The consultation of a urban planning and building law’s collection is obviously necessary.
Among those available, we recommend: R. Chieppa (edited by), Codice di diritto amministrativo, Giuffrè Editore, Milan, 2013, ISBN: 88-14-18598-0.

Teaching methods

Theoretical lessons alternated by meetings with technicians and examination of practical cases.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination.
During the oral test, the student will be valued in relationship to the following parameters:
a) adjusted ability of linguistic exposure of the concepts with good mastery of the acquired technical-juridical lexicon;
b) ability to identify and to valorize the existing connections among the different institutes of public works and eminent domain law, furnishing demonstration of a coherent and systematic preparation, that as summation of independent macro-matters doesn't apparently develop him;
c) adjusted ability of reasoning, that puts aside from the formal acquisition and uncritical repetition of purely literal normative data.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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