Learning objectives
The main goal of the course is to teach to the student the use of statistical tools for the analysis of particular and relevant profiles of Firm.
The focus of the course concerns fundamenatal aspects:
- Productivity and Efficiency analysis;
- Distress Analysis;
- Firm size distribution and its evolution in the time.
- Variance analysis.
Knowledge of the basics of Statistics
Course unit content
1. Satistical information for the firms
2. Productivity and Efficiency measures
3. Distress Analysis
4. Variance Analysis
5. Markov Chains
Full programme
1. Sources of information for the firms.
1.1 Quality of information.
1.2 Census of Firms and Commerce.
1.3 The statistical archive of firms (ASIA).
1.4 Data archives of Business Accounts.
1.5 Statistical classification of firms (ATECO).
1.6 Statistical classification of Professional Qualifications (CP2001).
2. Measures of Productivity
2.1 Measures of Partial Productivity.
2.2 Labour Productivity.
2.3 Capital Productivity.
2.4 Global Productivity.
2.5 Measuring Productivity by means of Business Accounts.
2.6 Measures of Parametric Efficiency.
3. Distress Analysis
3.1 Ratios.
3.2 Choice of ratios.
3.3 Multivariate Models for Distress Analysis.
4. Variance Analysis.
4.1 Variance Analysis at one level.
4.2 Variance Analysis at two level.
5. Discrete Markov Chains for economic analysis.
5.1 Transition matrices.
5.2 Markov Chians.
5.3 Equilibrium distributions.
5.4 Mobility indexes for Transition matrices.
5.5 5.5 Economic examples of Transition matrices.
Bracalente B. Cossignani M. Mulas A. (2009) Statistica aziendale. McGraw-Hill. Milano.
Grimmett G.R. Stirzaker D.R. Probaility and Random Processes, Clarendon press, Oxford, 1992
Teaching methods
During the course the topics will be explained with reference to real case studies.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written and oral exam
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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