cod. 02088

Academic year 2013/14
1° year of course - Second semester
Alessandro CHELLI
Academic discipline
Geografia fisica e geomorfologia (GEO/04)
Discipline geomorfologiche e geologiche applicative
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course covers fundamental concepts in Applied Geomorphology and Engineering Geomorphology. Students will learn the fundamental concepts to read a geomorphological map and to do it employing the techniques of aerial photo analysis, field survey and remote sensing. The improvements concerning the methods and cartographic tecniques in geomorphology, also through GIS-based techniques, and the role of geomorphologic map as territorial information source for land management and human impact evaluation will be expounded.
During the course, the student will learn the main geomorphologic hazards and risks of the Alps, Apennines and Po Plain.


Geomorphology (exam standed)

Course unit content

The students will learn the general concepts of the Applied Geomorphology. Outline of the genetic and depositional characters of the Quaternary debris cover: origin and characters of the loose deposits.
Geomorphological mapping. principles and methods of geomorphologic survey and cartography; the scale of the map; bedrock morpholithologic units; legend, colours and morphogenetic processes; deposit landforms and connected symbology. Concepts of morphochronology: sampling and dating of the materials. Problems related to the landform interpretation and relationships among them.
Reading and interpretation of the geomorphological maps. Geomorphologic survey (field trip).
Short account on thematic cartography derived by geomorphological maps.
Applied Geomorphology and environmental management: the concept of hazard, risk, vunerability. Basic knowledge on land planning and management.
Fluvial hazard and related risk.
Glacial and nival hazard and related risk.
Landslide hazard and related risk.
Coastal hazard and related risk.
Introduction to GIS. Coordinate systems. Vectorial and raster data. GIS and WEBGIS software. ARCGIS structure: basic commands; data display; geological data production and georeferencing; query of geographical databases; mapping layout for thematic maps construction.

Full programme

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Dackombe R.V. and Gardiner V. -"Geomorphological Field Manual", Allen & Unwin Ed., Londra, 1983.
Dramis F. e Bisci C. -”Cartografia geomorfologica”, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 1998.
Gisotti G. e Benedini M. –“Il dissesto idrogeologico”, Serie Scienze e Tecnica, Carocci Ed., Roma, 2000.
Marchetti M.- “Geomorfologia fluviale”, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 2000.
Marchetti M. & Rivas V. (Eds) – “Geomorphology and environmental impact assessment”, Balkema Pbs, Amsterdam, 2001.
Panizza M. -"Geomorfologia applicata", NIS, Roma, 1988. Turner A.K. and Schuster R.L. (Eds.) –“Landslides: investigation and mitigation”, TRB special report 247, Nat. Acad. Press, Washington D.C., 1996.

Teaching methods

classroom frontal lesson and field trip excursions

Assessment methods and criteria

oral exam

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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