cod. 1005012

Academic year 2012/13
1° year of course - Second semester
Giuliana MASERA
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Tirocinio nei ssd di riferimento della classe
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

Gaining awareness about the use of the phenomenological method applied to nursing research.
• Develop knowledge of philosophical and reflective skills that enable it to contribute
relatively new developments related to nursing care practices



Course unit content

In the course deals with the technological developments that have dramatically increased the chances of success of interventions and care, giving humans power over the quality of their lives and the conditions of their death and also at changing public perception of the disciplines related to the care of the disease.
Rethink your condition and treatment considering such phenomena do not
more and only as something that is related to certain procedures, such as
can be defined in a standard form, constitutes a fundamental point from which
Starting in the reflection; bringing these conditions to the field of relations
inter-human, characterized by specific modes of communication and the
particular form of relationship between the assisted person, the professional
care and care of the instruments.
The course winds through critical reflection, ethical / motivational
and a historical context, re-reading the question in Nursing
constituent paradigms and comparing in particular with the problems related to
cognitive models, the conceptual apparatus, the theorizing and practice.

Full programme

- The philosophical knowledge.
- A philosophy questioner nursing.
- The phenomenological approach as a tool of investigation in the field of care.
- The physicality and touch.
- The philosophy and organization.


Salvatore Natoli, Parole della filosofia o dell’arte di meditare, Feltrinelli,
Milano, 2004. Capitoli: Filosofia/ Meraviglia, Intelligenza/Pensiero, Responsabilità/Alterità, Armonia/Discordia.
- Autori vari: Critica della ragion medica, rivista di filosofia, Edizioni Ets, Pisa,
XXXI/2011/1. Capitoli: Ivan Cavicchi Una filosofia “per” la medicina, Simonetta Marucci, Curare vuol dire “prendersi cura”, Hartig Wiedebach, Lineamenti di un’etica patica, Oreste Tolone, Weizsacker:una medicina antropologicamente orientata.
- Giuseppe Angelini, La malattia un tempo per volere, Vita e Pensiero , Milano. 2000.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods: Lectures using slides, with active participation (Brainstorming, concept maps)

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral Examination, the dates of appeals established.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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