cod. 12877

Academic year 2012/13
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Probabilità e statistica matematica (MAT/06)
Discipline matematiche e fisiche
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: PHYSICS

Learning objectives

The course has as its objective the knowledge of statistical indices and the ability to understand the output information from a table of data. At the end of the course the student is able to identify and study the Bernoulli and Gauss distributions


Operations on the set of real numbers. Working with logarithms and exponentials

Course unit content

Teaching Statistics and Probability applied to the biomedical sciences.
The first lessons cover topics of general interest related to the foundations of mathematics and logic operations such as in numerical sets and predicate calculus.
The second part of the course regards the discussion of the fundamental contents of Statistics: averages, indicators of variability, standard deviation, variance, index of variation. Discrete and continuous random variables. Statistical models of random variables
The third part of the course is of combinatory and probability theory. Distribution of Gauss and Bernoulli

Full programme

Scientific notation. Significant digits. And rounding operations. Logic and sets. Numerical sets. Operations and properties. Powers with integer exponent and rational.
Equivalences. Proportions and percentages.
Outline of functions. Logarithms and exponentials.
Objectives and methods of statistics. Descriptive statistics: phenomena, data classification.
Frequency distributions. Graphical representations of data.
Various types of averages, quantiles, mode, median.
Indicators of variability, standard deviation, variance, index of variation.
Combinatory. Outline of the calculation of probabilities.
Discrete and continuous random variables Statistical models of random variables.
Bernoulli distribution. Gauss distribution.


PPT notes for the theoretical lectures; The exercises held in classroom are published on the portal of the Faculty

Teaching methods

During the lectures, ppt slides are screened on the topics listed above that are meant to enhance the learning process teacher - pupils through the students' questions and further explanations of the teacher.
The course is supported by classroom exercises performed under the supervision of the teacher and their purpose is to provide the opportunity for each student to be able to measure the performance of independent solutions of the examination topics proposed in previous years. These activities are planned in such a way that within each exercise, the student can achieve practically the solutions of the problems presented in the theoretical lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final Check is written and
• consists of a test for admission, after which it will be possible to carry out the task of examination.
• will test the knowledge of statistical indices and the ability to understand the information output from a table of data, and the ability to identify and study the Bernoulli and Gauss in connection through written exercises;
• will evaluate the student through the expertise of statistical calculation with a pass mark in 18/30 and a maximum score of 31/30 to get the "cum laude" it is an integrated teaching the final score will be the arithmetic average of the three vows..

Other information

proiettore per le lezioni in ppt.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

+39 0521 902604

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Ms. Giulia Branca
+39 0521 902601
Office e-mail
Manager e-mail

President of the degree course

Prof. Claudio Cipolat Gotet

Faculty advisor

Prof. Federico Righi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Alberto Sabbioni

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Federico Righi

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Mattia Iotti


Prof. Alberto Sabbioni