Learning objectives
Stage in the organizational - managerial
General objectives:
1) To increase the knowledge about the mission and vision of the hospital and nursing service and technical reading of the Organizational Model of the same service and the Company of belonging
2) Analysis of the structure and organization chart
3) Analysis of the role and functions of the service manager and employees
4) Analysis of the relationship between the education sector attended and other facilities with which it interfaces
5) To increase the knowledge in the field of personnel recruitment
6) To increase the knowledge about the management of human resources in accordance with the principles of management and leadership.
7) To increase the knowledge about projects underway or in the making and to promote effective care using innovative research.
8) To increase the knowledge on the subject of the discussion of budget
9) To increase the knowledge in bargaining
Strengths and weaknesses of the sector / service attended.
Internship in the field of teaching and learning
General Objectives
• Analysis of the structure and organization;
• Analysis of the role and functions of the service manager and employees;
• Analysis of the relationship between the education sector attended and other facilities with which it interfaces;
• Analysis of the relationship between the education sector attended and the people / users to whom he addresses (students / health care / other): there is a policy of recognition of the needs and satisfaction of the users?;
• Design principles in a university course (completion, master degree C) or a course of business education (CME);
• Design and / or performs a lecture on a topic of relevance clinical care and / or in the context of relational degree in Nursing;
• Design and / or performs a lecture on a topic of relevance in the context of organizational management Master in nursing / midwifery;
• Strengths and weaknesses of the sector / service attended.
Internships in research
Cognitive objectives effects:
• Know the organization within which it is placed and the relationships with other services and sectors;
• Analysis of the structure and organization of the specific research center attended;
• Analysis of the role and functions of the service manager and employees;
• Know the mission and vision of the study center;
• Know and deepen the impact of welfare research center attended;
• Know the structure of the study center and human resources (the merits of an organizational analysis);
• Terms and sharing tools to health professionals;
• Strategies for involving health care company: feed back return;
• Reports of the center with people and external institutions.
Research objectives
General Objective
Develop skills to promote innovative and effective assistance through a review and a change in clinical care and organizational-management in order to continue a re-evaluation of professional performance by using research, acquiring skills in
• define a 'problem area search field of nursing;
• build a research protocol (with the design of the questionnaire)
• socialize the research project
deepen operatively at least one of the following phases:
• Formulation of the problem, hypothesis and research objectives.
• Literature search.
• Development of research design and overall organization of the study (including the construction of the instrument for data collection)
• Prepare a written document (research protocol) according to the requirements of:
- Completeness of the elements that compose the research protocol;
- Analytical description of the tools, materials, methods that are used in research of how to select the sample, time and resources useful for the realization
Disclosure of the work.
Internship in the field of advanced clinical
General Objectives
• Analysis of the structure and organization;
• Analysis of the role and functions of the service manager and employees;
• Analysis of the relationship between the structure and attended services with which it interfaces (hospital, physician, social workers etc ...);
• Analysis of the relationship between the structure and origin of the assisted family group;
• Analysis of the methods of recruitment and human resource management related to the structure;
• Analysis of the structure in the architectural sense and description of the compliance of the same with regard to the needs of the clients and staff;
• To analyze a group of patients (discharge from the entrance to the beginning of the intervention or assistance to the solution of the report) by selecting the problems and / or nursing needs input (based on the theoretical framework of reference) and monitorizzandoli rivalututandoli first discharge;
• The needs identified are classified into three categories:
Problems basic care
Care issues that require specialized training
Care issues that require advanced training;
This analysis assumes that the student:
- Define a program general nursing care that takes account of the theoretical nursing program and also diagnostic and therapeutic (updated bibliography)
- Develop or adopt a nursing documentation that allows the collection of information (from the beginning of the process at the end)
- Analyze the problems of the entire group of patients needs;
- Define the characteristics and criteria that identify the levels of complexity of care (other documents federation bibliography);
- Classify the needs / problems according to complexity;
• Strengths and weaknesses of the structure frequented