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Health professions degree
Admission test
course in Italian
class L/SNT2
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

The course aims to train health professionals who carry out procedures of functional evaluation and prevention, treatment and rehabilitation interventions in the fields of neuropsychomotor, neuropsychology and developmental psychopathology in childhood and adolescence.

Its articulation follows the stages of the child’s evolutionary development in their typical, atypical appearance and in clinical practice. In the first year of internships students learn to understand the typical development in the different areas of development (motor skills, psychomotor, cognitive, neuropsychological, linguistic, relational skills, affectivity and sociality).

In the second year they learn to use the necessary tools for the observation and assessment of patients with neuromotor, psychomotor, neurosensory, cognitive and neuropsychological pathologies and to make a functional diagnosis.

In the third year they learn to build and adapt the therapeutic-rehabilitation setting.

At the end of the course students will be able to use the appropriate rehabilitation methodology and verify its compliance with the objectives of functional recovery and the evolutionary development of the person.




After graduation

According to recent statistics, the profession of TNPEE has reached the top of the health professions' ranking in terms of number of people employed.

It finds its place in many sectors such as the Health System, accredited and affiliated private facilities, rehabilitation facilities and centers, medical clinics, private multi-specialty clinics, school facilities, municipal childcare. The current legislation allows carrying out of professional activities, in individual or associated professional studios, service cooperatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), prevention services. The current legislation allows performing freelance activities, in individual or associated professional studios, service cooperatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and prevention services.

TNPEEs carry out teaching, guidance and training activities addressed to other health and socio-medical professions, and to the community in the subjects of competence. The qualification obtained also makes it possible to continue training by enrolling in Master's degree courses, first-level Master's degrees, and specialisation courses.

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We are waiting for you at Health professions degree NEURO AND PSYCHOMOTOR THERAPY OF DEVELOPMENTAL AGE