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Apply for Audioprothesic techniques

Health professions degree
Admission test
course in Italian
class L/SNT3
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

It is the only active course in Emilia-Romagna in audiology and in the prevention and correction of hearing pathologies, with over thirty years of consolidated teaching and training experience. You will complete your studies with a highly professionalised internship in one of the affiliated hearing aid companies.

There are also pre and post-graduate internships and supplementary educational activities with highly qualified specialists at your disposal... all to make your entry into the workplace as quick and safe as possible!




After graduation

As a 'health professional' you will work in the evaluation and rehabilitation of pathologies of the auditory system, in the departments and diagnostic services of hospitals and non-hospital facilities, in private facilities or Hospitals, in research centres in the biomedical sector, in private companies, or as a freelancer.

The employment rate is high: 75% of our students are permanently employed one year after graduation, and exclusively in hearing aid companies.


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The University information point is located at the Roman Bridge underpass (sottopasso Ponte Romano) and is available to answer the questions of future students and their families.

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We are waiting for you at Health professions degree Audioprothesic techniques