Learning objectives
The aim is to review the topics of applied physiology and to study the neurophysiology of motor control. At the end of the course, the student should be able to understand the principles though which exercise could interfere with specific pathological conditions.
Course unit content
Reflexes and posture control
Cortical control of voluntary movements (motor and premotor cortex; planning and execution of voluntary movements; visuomotor integration; space coding; sensory and visual feedback in motor control)
Role of Basal Ganglia in motor control
Role of the Cerebellum in motor control
Applied Exercise Physiology (review)
The Cardiovascular System and Its Control
The Respiratory System and Its Regulation
Cardiorespiratory Responses to Acute Exercise: Cardiovascular Responses to Acute Exercise; Respiratory Responses to Acute Exercise
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Muscle and training; Training for Anaerobic and Aerobic Power
Fisiologia dell’uomo, a cura di P.E. Di Prampero e A. Veicsteinas, Casa Editrice EDI-ERMES, Milano
Neuroscienze, di D. Purves, G.J. Augustine, D.Fitzpatrick, W.C. Hall, A.S. Lamantia, L.E. White, Casa Editrice Zanichelli