cod. 1000188

Academic year 2007/08
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Patologia generale (MED/04)
Discipline mediche e riproduzione umana
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: THE MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF DISEASE

Learning objectives

To provide the bases for the comprehension of the molecular pathogenesis of metabolic disease and its treatment. <br />
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Knowledge of basic biochemistry and cell biology is required. <br />
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Course unit content

<p>The course will provide the essentials for the comprehension of the pathogenesis of metabolic disease at the molecular level. No systematic approach will be adopted, given the small number of CFU. On the contrary, relevant examples of metabolic disease will be presented. The examples will be selected also on the basis of successful biotechnological approaches for diagnosis and therapy of the disease. The following subjects will be treated: <br />
a) Aminoacidopathies (introductory remarks, hyperpheylalaninemias, urea cycle defects, omocystinuria) <br />
b) Organelle disease (introductory remarks, mitochondrial and peroxisomal diseases, lysosomal storage diseases) <br />

Full programme

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No specific text is adopted. Proper reference to the texts of biochemistry and cell biology used in previous courses is recommended. Lectures will be supported by slides and scientific literature, which will be provided to the students. <br />
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Teaching methods

Oral lessons (slides and scientific literature will be used during the lessons) . <br />
The tutorials will be provided to the students. <br />
Oral examination (with discussion of scientific literature). <br />
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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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