cod. 15528

Academic year 2007/08
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) (FIS/07)
Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: MATHEMATICS

Learning objectives

<br />Provide basic physical tools to approach issues of increasing complexity; introduce the student to the study and application of the scientific method, the basic research tool in any field of science; illustrate the most significant aspects of natural phenomena, with particular reference to the measurement of magnitudes that comprise them; describe, within a context of logical continuity, the most common physical properties that provide support and interpretation for biomedical-related magnitudes.


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Course unit content

<br />Physics I <br />Introduction to the methodology of physical sciences. International system of units of measure. Samples of time, length and mass. Overview of instruments and errors of measurement. Scalar magnitudes and vector magnitudes. Operations with vectors.<br />Reference systems. Uniform rectilinear motion and uniformly accelerated motion. Motion of bodies in free-fall. Speed and acceleration in three-dimensional motion. Uniform circular motion. Period and frequency. Reference systems in motion in relation to each other.<br />Concept of force. Three principles of dynamics. Mass and weight. Inclined plane. Frictional force. Simple harmonic motion. Simple pendulum. Motion of a material point under the action of elastic force. Elastic waves. <br />Work and energy. Spring. Weight force. Kinetic energy. Theorem of kinetic energy. Power. Potential energy. Conservative and non-conservative forces. Principle of conservation of mechanical energy.<br />Quantity of motion of a particle system. Conservation of the quantity of motion in an isolated system. Impact in two- and three-dimensions.<br />Definition of fluid. Density. Pressure and its units of measure. Pressure variation in a fluid at rest: Stevino’s law. Pascal’s principle. Archimede’s principle. Pressure measurement: Torricelli’s barometer and open tube manometer. Lines of flow and continuity equation. Bernoulli’s equation. Real liquids and Poiseuille’s theorem.<br />Thermometry, calorimetry and zero principle of thermodynamics. The first law and the conservation of energy. Ideal gases and real gases. The second law of thermodynamics and entropy. Thermodynamics applied to thermal machines.

Full programme

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.  Lecture notes <br /><br /> <br />. J. W. Kane ,M. M. Sternheim: Fisica Biomedica, ed. E.M.S.I. (Roma).<br />. D.Halliday-R.Resnick-J.Walker: Fondamenti di Fisica,Casa Ed. Ambrosiana (Milano).<br /><br />. Risorse e link da Internet

Teaching methods

<br />Oral lesson<br /> <br />Oral exam

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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