cod. 00768

Academic year 2007/08
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Patologia generale (MED/04)
Scienze biomediche
Type of training activity
95 hours
of face-to-face activities
3.5 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: MICROBIOLOGY AND GENERAL PATHOLOGY

Learning objectives

<br />Basic knowledge of the mechanisms underlying cell injury and death, tissue response to injury (inflammation, hemostasis, repair), genetic diseases, tumors. Knowledge of fundamentals of immune response and its alterations, with a peculiar emphasis on transfusion medicine and on subjects of particular relevance for ostetricians. Attainment of terminological competence. 


Bases of Biology, Biochemistry, anatomy, and Physiology are required 

Course unit content

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The subjects presented in the lectures will be: 1. Cell Death. Oncosis and apoptosis. 2. Inflammation: Events of acute inflammation; Exudate; Types of exudate; Phagocytosis; Chronic inflammation and granulomas; Abscesses and ulcers; Chemical mediators of inflammation; Systemic effects of inflammation; Tissue repair. 3. Hemostasis: Phases and event of the hemostatic response; Hemorrhagic disorders; Thrombosis and embolism; Infarction. 4. Genetic disorders: Mutations;  Single gene diseases; Examples of autosomic dominant, autosomic recessive and X-linked disorders; Multifactorial disorders (malformations, diabetes mellitus); Cytogenetic disorders. 5. Tumors: Classification and nomenclature; Benignand malignant tumors; Tumor etiology; Fundamentals in molecular oncology; Invasivity and metastasis; Pathogenesis of neoplastic diseases.  <br />
Immunology and Immunohematology. 1. The blood: cells and composition.  2. Innate immunity. 3. Adaptive immunity: Antigens (Ag). Antibodies (Ab): structure and function. Ag-Ab interaction. Lymphocyte receptors. The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). The processing and presentation of exogenous and endogenous antigens. 4. Functional anatomy of the immune response. Lymphocyte activation. Primary and secondary reaction. Principles of vaccination. Immune response to infections.  5. Hypersensitivity. Primary and secondary immunodeficencies. HIV infection. 6. Blood groups. AB0 system. Rh system. Other blood groups. Hemolytic disease of the newborn. 7. Fundamentals of transfusional practice. Transfusional complications and their treatment. 

Full programme

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<p><br />
Spector e Axford, Introduzione alla Patologia Generale, CEA, Milano.<br />
or, alternatively,<br />
Woolf, Patologia Generale: Meccanismi della malattia, Idelson - Gnocchi, Napoli.<br />
<p>For Immunology and Immunohematology: <br />
1. Abul K. Abbas & Andrew H. Lichtman "Le basi dell'immunologia"seconda edizione. Masson Editore <br />
2. Vera Del Gobbo "Immunologia per le lauree sanitarie" terza edizione. Piccin Editore <br />
3. F. Licastro & M. Chiappelli "Quick Review: Immunologia" EdiSES Editore <br />
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Teaching methods

<br />Lectures are supported by audio-visual aids available for students.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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