cod. 15703

Academic year 2007/08
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Roberto TONI
integrated course unit
7.4 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The course propose to furnish the knowledge of the human organization in its morphologic and physiological components with particular close examination to the topographical anatomy and microstructure


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Course unit content

<br />Head, neck, trunk and limbs: ranking of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles <br />Cardiovascular system: heart, vessels  of the small and great circulation<br />Digestive system: macro-microscopic anatomy of the organs of the alimentary tract and attached glands.<br />Respiratory system: trachea, bronchial tree, lungs, pleurae<br />Genito-urinary tract: macro-microscopic anatomy of the kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra, male and female reproductive system <br />Endocrine system: macro-microscopic anatomy of the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, prostate, mammary gland<br />Lymphnodes and spleen<br />Generality on the central and peripheral nervous system.<br /><br />1. The cell, structural unit of all living organisms.<br />Structural aspects on light and electron microscopy of the cells and their organelles. <br />The human supracellular units, namely tissues, multi-tissue units and morpho-functional units. The most important units of measurement used in histology. <br />Stem and differentiated cells.<br />2. Epithelial tissues.<br />a) Covering epithelia: classification. Form and characteristics of epithelial cells.<br />b) Glandular epithelia: structure of the glands of the body.<br />3. Tropho-mechanical tissues.<br />a) Connective tissues: their three classes of components: cells, fibers and ground substance.<br />b) Adipose tissues: unilocular adipose tissue and multilocular adipose tissue.<br />c) Cartilage: hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage and fibrocartilage.<br />d) Bone tissues: bone cells, bone matrix, type of bone, bone growth and remodelling.<br />e) Blood and lymph: serum, plasma and formed elements of blood.<br />4. Nervous tissue.<br />a) Nervous tissue of the central nervous system: neurons, cell body, dendrites and axon. Synaptic communication. Membrane potentials. White and grey matter. Glial cells.<br />b) Nervous tissue of the peripheral nervous system: nerve fibers, nerves and ganglia.<br />5. Muscle tissues.<br />a) Striated skeletal muscle tissue: organization of skeletal muscle fibers.<br />b) Striated cardiac muscle tissue: organization of cardiac muscle fibers.<br />c) Smooth muscle tissue: organization of smooth muscle fibers.<br />6. Human Embryology.<br />Spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Fertilization and evolution of the zygote. Morphological aspects of the development: I, II, III and IV week of development.<br />Embryonic development of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.  <br />Structure of placenta.<br />1)Physiology of the central nervous system:<br />- Basic anatomy and functional properties of neurons.<br />-Action potentials.<br />-Synapses and receptors.<br />-Sensory organs and receptors.<br />-Organization of the somatosensory system.<br />-Organization of the motor system.<br />-Spinal reflexes.<br />-Organization of motor and somatosensory cortices. Somatotopy. <br />2) Physiology of the cardiovascular system:<br />- Miocardial properties: rhythm, conduction, excitability, contraction.<br />- Heart electrophysiology. Ionic theories of resting and action potentials.<br />- Electrocardiogram.<br />- Heart mechanics and the cardiac cycle.<br />- Cardiac output.<br />- Intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of heart activity.<br />- The vascular system.<br />- Blood pressure<br />3) Physiology of the respiratory apparatus:<br />- Chest and respiration muscles.<br />- Lung volumes and capacities.<br />- Mechanics of breathing.<br />- Blood-tissue gas exchange in the lung and in peripheral tissues. <br />- Blood transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.<br />4) Physiology of Renal Function:<br />- The kidney: structural and functional properties. Kidney vascularization.<br />- Glomerular filtration.<br />- Tubular functions.<br />- Regulation of osmolarity and volume of the body fluids <br /> 

Full programme

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<br />1. P. Govoni – Appunti e Tavole di Istologia – Ed. Libreria Universitaria Santa Croce.<br />2. P. Govoni – Appunti e Tavole di Embriologia– Ed. Libreria Universitaria Santa Croce.<br />3. P. Carinci et al.- CITOLOGIA & ISTOLOGIA UMANA; Idelson-Gnocchi<br />4. R.A. Bergman, A.K. Afifi, P.M. Heidger jr – ISTOLOGIA; EdiSES<br />5. L. Junqueira, Carneiro, Kelley - COMPENDIO DI ISTOLOGIA; Ed. Piccin<br />6 -Di Prampero – Fisiologia dell’Uomo. Edi-Ermes.<br />7 -F.H. Martini, Anatomia Umana EdiSES (<br />

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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