Course unit partition: PARMA

Academic year 2007/08
3° year of course -
Academic discipline
Medicina interna (MED/09)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Course unit partition: EMERGENCY MEDICINE

Learning objectives

<br />Student will acquire concepts and clinical skills which will enable him to know and critically evaluate clinical conditions requiring emergent therapy and/or intensive care. <br />At the end of the Course the student should be able to describe nursing assistential strategies aimed at clinical evaluation and care of complex needs and problems of patients requiring hospitalizations in an emergency room or in an intensive care unit. <br />In particular, the student should be able to:<br />-         recognize and cure complications and harms to vital functions, in the context of his professional duties<br />-         utilize complex technologies in order to monitor and sustain vital function, and to apply diagnostic and therapeutic prescriptions<br />-         take care of patients in the intensive care unit, or people undergoing genral or loco-regional anestesthesia, or people with acute or chronic pain<br />-         improve assistential quality, through the analysis and utilization of scientific evidence (procedures, guidelines, scientific literature etc.) <br /> 



Course unit content

<br />Docente Enrico Fiaccadori<br />-          Respiratory and metabolic acidosis<br />-          Burns<br />-          Acute renal failure and dialysis<br />-          Fluid balance and fluid therapy<br />-          Hypernatremia<br />-          Hyperkalemia<br />-          Syncope<br />-          Cardiac arrhythmias<br />-          Acute pulmonary edema<br />-    Hypertensive crises

Full programme

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<br />Gentili,Nastasi,Rigon,Silvestri,Tanganelli <br /> "Il paziente critico. Clinica ed assistenza infermieristica in anestesia e rianimazione."<br />Ed. Ambrosiana,Milano.<br /> <br />Paul L. Marino<br />"Terapia intensiva"<br />Ed. Masson,2001<br /> <br />L.Ulrich,A.Lamers-Abdella<br />"Procedure infermieristiche in terapia intensiva"<br />Ed. Masson,2000<br /> 

Teaching methods

Topics will be presented as formal lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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