cod. 01757

Academic year 2007/08
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Clinica chirurgica veterinaria (VET/09)
Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Type of training activity
32 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

To give basic knowledges about the evaluation of the patient to be anaestetized and about pain control <br />


All topics included in didattical regulament of the Faculty<br />

Course unit content

<p> Preanesthesiological valutation of the patient, Preanesthetic agents, Anesthetic agents, Neuromuscular blocking agents, Equipment for anesthesia, Monitoring anesthesia, hydro-electrolitic and acid-base balance (manteinment in the perioperative period), Emergencies and anesthetic complications, Complications and care after anesthesia, Analgesia and pain control, Anesthesiologic considerations in patients with problems or pathological conditions, Local and regional anesthesia, Epidural anesthesia. <br />
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Full programme

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Reference texts: <br />
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• LUMB W.V., JONES W.: Anestesiologia Veterinaria (Italian edition edited by A. Cantamessa and D. Fonda, SBM Noceto, 1990) <br />
• LUMB W.V., JONES W.:Veterinary Anesthesiology, third edition, Williams and Wilkins, 1996 <br />
• PADDLEFORD RR: Anestesia dei piccoli animali. Masson Edizioni Veterinarie, 2000. <br />
• ZANICHELLI S., SCROLLAVEZZA P.: Manuale di Anestesiologia Veterinaria, Edizioni Oppici, Parma, 1996 <br />

Teaching methods

Practical activities designed to develop the knowledge gained during the theory lectures are also included. <br />
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The language is the Italian <br />
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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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