cod. 15429

Academic year 2009/10
2° year of course - Second semester
Giuseppe IEMMI
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Diagnostica audiometrica
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: AUDIOMETRY IV

Learning objectives

Auditory screening: methods for neonates, school children and industrial environments.


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The student must have sat the examinations of the Integrated Courses of Audiometry I,II and III.

Course unit content

<br />Language acquisition and the consequences of the lack of acoustic information in the child. <br />
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-Auditory impairment. Communication disabilities and handicaps. <br />
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-Epidemiology of deafness. <br />
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-Pediatric deafness (congenital and acquired) and its prevention. <br />
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-Audiological diagnosis in the child (medical history and instrumental investigation). <br />
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-Prelingual deafness (preverbal and periverbal). Postlingual deafness. <br />
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-The concept of audiometric screening. <br />
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-Neonatal audiological screening. <br />
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-Acute Oto-acoustic emissions. <br />
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-The Boel Test. <br />
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-Audiometric screening in preschool children. <br />
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-Audiometric screening in preschool children. <br />
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-Impedance audiometry screening. <br />
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-Voice screening. <br />
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-Organisation for the prophylaxis and prevention of pediatric deafness in Italy and abroad (especially in Denmark). <br />
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-Definition of noise. <br />
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-Threshold of audibility. The decibel and the psychophysical law of Weber Fechner. <br />
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-Definition of noise. <br />
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-Subjective evaluation of noise. <br />
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-Noise interference in verbal communication. <br />
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-Noise exposure tolerability limits (85 - 90 dBA). <br />
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-The effect of vibrations in the workplace and various types of vibrations. <br />
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-Phonometer <br />
<br />
-Effect of noise on the hearing. Adaptation and auditory fatigue (TTS - PTS). <br />
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-Principles for the prevention of noise pollution. <br />
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-Occupational deafness and prevention of noise-induced auditory damage. <br />
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-Acoustic trauma in industry workers - NIPTS. <br />
<br />
-Audiometric screening in factories. <br />
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-Organisation for the prevention of deafness in industry (work environments). <br />
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-Medico-legal assessment of professional deafness. 

Full programme

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B. Calogero - "Audiologia" - Monduzzi Ed. Bologna

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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