cod. 08250

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Olimpia PINO
integrated course unit
5.5 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

Knowledge of main theoretical and methological perspectives in psychology, anatomy and physiology basic. Scope of the course is to provide to the student the adequate anatomical knowledge of cell structure and function, synapsis, and the structure of musche, cardiovascular system, respiratory apparatus and the apparatus of the phonation.


<br />Knowledge of main theoretical perspectives and methodologies in psychology, anatomy and physiology basic.<br /> 

Course unit content

<br />The purpose of this course is to examine in details relationships between complex mental functions, learning, memory and language, emotion and motivation examining theoretical aspects involved in different psychological perspectives with particular reference to the clinical-remediation aspects referring to developmental syndroms. Course will present a review of main subjects implied in the study of relationships between physiological processes and behavior. Then, we will detail a specific field of neurosciences, the neuropsychology, considering both theoretical and clinical aspects implied in cognitive deficits following brain injury.

Full programme

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<br />Ladavas E. & Berti A.E. (2002). Neuropsicologia. Il Mulino<br />W.J. German, C.L. Stanfield. Fisiologia umana. Ed. EdiSES, Napoli.<br />Martini/Timmons/Tallitsch: 'ANATOMIA UMANA', EdiSES, Napoli.

Teaching methods

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Verbal lessons and laboratory activities<br />
Verbal examination

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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